Close All Trades MT4一键平仓脚本
- MT4一键平仓脚本 只要一点就可以清除所有持仓单 这样可以省却了交易单太多一一手工平仓的困饶,并且一键平仓的效率也是非常值得肯定的,现在发出来给大家使用,具体安装方法将脚本文件复制至到平台安装目录下experts\scr ipts内即可! 然后打开MT4在导航--脚本--清除持仓单 就可以应用了 -MT4 scr ipt as long as a key to open all the positions that you can remove a single transaction s
- contains MATLAB scr ipts and data that were used in the webinar "Using MATLAB to Develop Asset-Pricing Models." The slides from the webinar are also included. The scr ipts examine the Fama & French model for a number of companies with recent IPOs to
- Fibonacci scr ipts, to show fibonacci on metatrader 4 with scr ipts. place under experts\scr ipts. manual and descr iption included. all open source with metaquote language 4.
- 自动SELL挂单默认10点差,按个人需求调整点数,放入软件安装文件夹的\experts\scr ipts 即可-MT4 op_sellstop 10pip
- 04/17/2014 Author: Emin Orhan Matlab code for running model-mismatch simulations for different scenarios. Matlab scr ipts corresponding to different scenarios are provided in separate directories. -04/17/2014 Author: Emin Orhan Matl
- 买入0.1手止损50点止赢50点开仓脚本和卖出0.1手止损50点止赢50点开仓脚本,方便高速行情开仓-Buy 0.1 hand stop-loss point check 50 win 50 points scr ipts and sell 0.1 open hand stop-loss point check 50 win 50 points scr ipt, open convenient high-speed open positions in the market
- MT4快速下单脚本,方便在MT4平台上进行快速交易。(MT4 quickly orders scr ipts to facilitate quick transactions on the MT4 platform.)
- MT4编程指南 MetaTrader 4(缩写MT4)是MT4是[1] MetaQuotes Software Corp4缩写,由迈达克软件公司发布专为金融中介机构定制的先进网上交易平台[2] ,旨在向金融中介机构对他们的客户提供在外汇、差价合约、股票和期货市场等金融产品交易的交易平台。交易平台为交易者提供了强大的功能,包括各种交易执行功能、无限量图表、大量技术指标和曲线、自定义指标及脚本。(MetaTrader 4 (MT4) MT4 [1] MetaQuotes Software Co
- MT4编程参考 MetaTrader 4(缩写MT4)是MT4是[1] MetaQuotes Software Corp4缩写,由迈达克软件公司发布专为金融中介机构定制的先进网上交易平台[2] ,旨在向金融中介机构对他们的客户提供在外汇、差价合约、股票和期货市场等金融产品交易的交易平台。交易平台为交易者提供了强大的功能,包括各种交易执行功能、无限量图表、大量技术指标和曲线、自定义指标及脚本。(MetaTrader 4 (MT4) MT4 [1] MetaQuotes Software Co
- 一键平仓 图形显示等各种 小工具 需要的请下载 共同进步(EA a variety of flat scr ipts, you need to take away)
- 一键平仓 平多 平空 平赢 平亏 MT4平台快速平仓脚本,方便在MT4平台上进行快速平仓((MT4 quickly orders scr ipts to facilitate quick transactions on the MT4 platform.))