- PC抄表软件, 用于降数据上载到PC机上, 通过USB传COM口实现.
- 基于PC声卡的双通道示波器设计(LabVIEW实现),从音频接口输入,带宽20k ,希望后来者使用其他接口如USB实现,提高带宽-PC sound card based dual-channel oscilloscope design (LabVIEW implementation), from the audio interface input bandwidth of 20k, then those who want to use other interfaces such as USB
- flash Compatible con la mayoria de lectores para PC DVD SATA. Compatible con ... Pack autoinstalador drivers USB CDM20814 App Lizard Tool Box VB016b App Actualizacion-flash tool i don t know, but i whhat to show it
- The uTosNet framework aims at providing a very fast method for interfacing physical components, such as motor drivers, ADCs, encoders, and similar, to applications on a PC. The framework is based on the Node-on-Chip architecture (link to paper comi
- This program find a PASSWORD in the CPU Simatic Siemens S7-200, 300 e 400. The same can use the direct communication like: PC Adapter(COM), PC Adapter(USB), CP5512(PCMCIA),CP5611 (PCI) , TCP/IP Ethernet Board normal(Auto). Tested in Windo