- VTK是一个可视化工具包,他又强大的功能,很多可视化领域的研究人员都在应用它。本压缩包是在VC下编写的一个使用vtk的例程,包含完整的工程,并含有一个神经元细胞的三维数据供实验用。-VTK is a toolkit for visualization.It is a powerful tool which is applied by many reseacher in vasulization field.Our Zap package is an example program using V
- This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scr ipts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=58860&lngWId=1 The author may
- 基本时钟是大家经常用到的,就一些基本的小程序跟大家交流一下-basic clock is frequently used by everyone, on some of the basic procedures with a small share what
- 易语言编写的医院计费管理系统源码,登陆账号:吴彩球 密码 9919-easy language prepared by the hospital billing management system source code, landing account : Miss ornaments Password 9919
- 本文介绍了药品进销存管理系统的开发过程。论文详尽论述了从需求分析、系统分析、概要设计、详细设计、以及测试与调试的整个开发过程,遵循软件工程的方法。 文章中所论述的管理信息系统,是一个将业务处理从纯人工操作转换成人工与计算机共同处理的一个实例,并对转换过程进行了详细策划, 可作为同类计算机管理信息系统的应用参考。 本软件开发的过程中采用VB 6.0 开发工具,采用成熟的软件研制技术。在本文中,总结了开发过程中的经验及本系统今后的改进方向。某公司从2004年2月创业以来,经过不断努力,现有
- 用pb(power builder)制作的医院管理系统 附有数据库脚本-used pb (power builder) produced by the hospital management system with database scr ipt
- VB编写的医药管理系统-VB medicine prepared by the Management System
- 用PowerBuilder+SQL编写的人事管理系统的代码,适用于所以行业软件,人事管理模板的代码,如果用于行业软件,请与作者联系,取得版权-prepared by the Personnel Management System code applies to the software industry Therefore, personnel management template code, if used in industry software, please contact the a
- 能读取mit-bih数据库的数据文件(.dat)和注释文件(.art),并且以十六进制输出,经本人亲自调试,绝无错误-Mit-bih database can read the data file (. Dat) files and annotations (. Art), and hexadecimal output, by personally commissioning, no error
- 本人写的,本部门用的,用来打印奖状的,很多,用WORD打费力,用数据库打,一下就发过去了,write by myself ,used in my department ,used for pirnt diploma ,when more diploma need print ,It is neet soft
- The matlab source code for the paper "A Partial Intensity Invariant Feature Descr iptor for Multimodal Retinal Image Registration". This paper has been accepted by IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering.-The matlab source code for the paper "A Pa
- Canonical Discriminant Analysis Created by A. Trujillo-Ortiz, R. Hernandez-Walls and S. Perez-Osuna Facultad de Ciencias Marinas Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Apdo. Postal 453 Ensenada, Baja California Mexico. atrujo@uab
- 一个简单的病例管理系统 分享一下 用VB编写的 -A simple case management system to share prepared by VB
- 用Delphi开发的医院管理系统,可以提高医院的办事效率!-Delphi developed by hospital management systems, can improve the efficiency of the hospital!
- VB医药保险品查询系统,数据库采用的是ACCESS,编译时要更改作者默认时的数据库路径,最好是用相对路径以免出错。这套系统可以完成药品添加、修改、删除、药品查询、系统设置等功能,适合学习。-VB query system of health insurance products, the database is used by ACCESS, the compiler writer to change the default database at the time of the path, i
- 显示医疗方面的DICOM 图形. 可以存储10万张DICOM文件-Open Source Picture Archiving and Communication System (OSPACS) for storing and displaying medical image files. This is currently been used by the Institute of Women s Health (University College London) to archive ult
- 医院体检个人信息管理,报表打印等功能,很适合初学着查看,有照相功能,SQL数据库-Physical examination or clinical examination is the process by which a health care provider investigates the body of a patient for signs of disease. It generally follows the taking of the medical history — an
- 我本人写的,本部门用的软件,来管理车队的车的费用的-write by myself ,used in my department
- This system is a mean of medical communication among patients and the hospital medical teams, by which they will be able to share patient medical history, take appointments that match the doctor’s schedule.
- 本系统以Visual C++开发“医药企业综合信息管理系统”为背景,按照商业信息管理系统设计的实现过程,循序渐进的介绍商业信息管理系统开发的思路、方法和技巧。-The system to Visual C++ development " pharmaceutical companies an integrated information management system" as the background, according to business information