- 复制构造函数是一种特殊的构造函数,具有一般构造函数的所有特性,不同在于形参是本类对象的引用。-The copy constructor is a special constructor has all the features of the general constructor parameter difference is that the class object reference.
- 东方和西方在医药方面的区别。简介了中医的针灸疗法。中医的思想是固本培元,而西医治标不治本。-The east and the west in medicine distinction. A brief descr iption of the Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and the idea is the school, and
- 使用三帧差法,对48孔板中的斑马鱼进行轨迹跟踪,最后绘制出每个孔板中的鱼的运动轨迹与运动距离。-Using three frame difference method, to the trajectory tracking of 48 orifice in zebrafish, finally draw out each orifice fish movement and movement in the distance.