- This a cashier program. It built in Dev C++. This program can count the total of the price s thing that you buy.-This is a cashier program. It built in Dev C++. This program can count the total of the price s thing that you buy.
- 1、客户端--对于去银行办理业务的人 客户在终端选择业务类型,便会取出号,上面显示自己所排的的号码,还有排在自己前面的人数。由于取号需要硬件的支持, 2、客户端--对于在银行工作处理业务的人 银行工作人员每处理一个客户的业务后,就按下叫号器,并在显示屏上显示被叫号,同样由于没有硬件的支持,这些相关信息只能在界面上显示。 3、服务端 服务端主要处理客户端发送过来的信息,并进行存储、计算和判断。当取号端取号时,发送给服务器,然后服务器进行业务类型匹配,相匹配的类型计数就加
- 艾略特波浪MT4平台数浪指标,能准确判断当前和历史的波浪形态-Elliott Wave count indicator,Can accurately determine the wave form of current and historical
- This project titled as a “Financial Management System” which keep the day by day count history as a financial system. It can keep the details of Saving deposits, loan details, and also handled it. The interesting part of this financial system is,
- 以JSON的方式返回网易股票的行情数据 可以修改$count,变量返回不同的数量的行情数据-The way to return JSON Netease stock market data You can modify $ count, variable returns the number of different market data
- 实时获取小米股价 根据你买入数量和票价颜色显示盈亏额和百分比 可自动隐藏在桌面边缘(Acquire XiaoMi price real time.On the base of your count and buy price to calculate profit and loss and percentage.Auto hide in desktop)