- 日期与累积日之间的换算。 例如,1月1日是第一天,非闰年的12月31日是365天,而闰年的话12月31日是366天。-date with the cumulative days between the conversion. For example, on January 1 is the first day of the non-leap year on December 31 is 365 days, and the leap year on December 31 is 366 day
- 、根据学生成绩评定等级。(1)输入某学生的姓名和成绩, $(2)输入某学生的姓名和三门课的成绩。 2、计算闰年 -, Based on student performance rating. (1) Enter the name and achievements of a student, $ (2) Enter the name of a student and three-course results. 2, calculate the leap year