- 本在线考试系统是利用微软最新的.net平台并用B/S结构的模式和ACCESS数据库编写的网络应用程序。它有应用简单、升级和部署方便、扩展性强等特点。满足任何授权的考生随时随地考试并迅速获得成绩-Source download and discussion address: The online examination system is to use Microsoft' s latest. Net platform and use the B/S structure of the mod
- 图书管理系统,实现所有的功能模块,包含部署与使用说明书,mysql数据库脚本,只要按说明书操作,白痴都能调出来,-Library management system to achieve all the functional modules, including the deployment and use of manual, mysql database scr ipt, just by manual operation, an idiot can tune out, huh, huh! !
- 网上选课系统,内含各种UML图:用例图、活动图、状态图、构建图、部署图…-Online course selection system, containing various UML diagram: use case diagram, activity diagram, state diagram, building plans, deployment plans ...
- 这是一个能运行的程序,有sql的部署文件,实现了成绩管理,成绩的录入,成绩的统计等功能,是很不错的学习资料。-语言 所查询字词的翻译 英语 This is a running program, the sql file of the deployment, performance management, results entry, the results of statistical functions, is a very good learning materials.
- 此程序为jsp+ext+sqlserver 开发的图书管理系统,非常适合ext的学习,部署以后可满足小型图书馆的工作需要-This program jsp+ ext+ sqlserver developed library management system, is ideal for ext of learning, after the deployment of the work to meet the needs of small libraries