- 用JAVA做的一个学生信息管理系统,在这个程序中用到了AWT的常用基本组件的使用及其事件响应处理。另外说明这是一个DOC文件,里面包含源码及说明。-do with JAVA a student information management system, this process uses AWT common use of the basic components and incident response handling. Another stated that this is a DOC
- 数据库的文件,能 够很好的实现数据库系统的功能。Liang个人主页 >> 文章 >> 电大学生 >> 例子... ...影音 留言 电大学生 VB教程 系统安全 ASP 例子---仓库管理系统 作者: 佚名 来源:NET/DXZM 点击:143 时间:2004-3-2 编辑:admin 本系统是一套基 于C/S...趋于合理。 3.物品支持代码, 中文, 五笔码, 拼音... www.pyslzx.net/liang/info_Show.asp?Article
- 选课系统,方便大学生自己选课,为应对扩招事实-Elective system to facilitate the students their course selection, enrollment in response to the fact that
- 学生成绩管理信息系统,还没有做完,先传上来看看,看看大家的反应。如果反应良好则继续传-Student performance management information system, has not yet done, first look at the mass up and see everyone s reaction. If the response is good will continue to Chuan
- 空间存储结构的目标:方便空间选取和连接查询。 在响应一条查询时,存取方法只需要查询该空间中所有对象的一个关联子集。-Space to store the structure of the goal: to facilitate spatial selection and join queries. In response to a query, access method need only check all the objects in the space of an associat
- 考试系统目标在于针对考试管理的弊端,根据现有考试的基本流程,实现考试管理电子化、无纸化,减少人为因素的干扰,减轻教师、学生以及管理人员的负担!借助本系统,教师可以对现有的试题库进行更新,学生可以公平的参与应答,管理人员能够很好地对现有的系统用户进行管理,快速方便的实现考试过程中的各项任务。-Goal is to test the system for the management of the drawbacks of exams, according to the current examin
- Wilson法求解动力方程,可以画出节点的位移响应-Wilson method for solving dynamic equations, you can draw the node displacement response
- Program to calculate the impulse response of ideal filters that illustrate the gibbs fenomenon.designing filters by windowing method and seing impulse and frecuency respons of filters and checking response by incresing the number of elementos fenomen
- Multisim10仿真电路测量基础实验二 实验七 一阶电路零输入响应、零状态响应 实验八 二阶电路零输入响应、零状态响应 实验九 正弦稳态交流电路向量的研究 实验十 单相铁心变压器特性的测试 实验十一 R、L、C串联谐振电路的研究 实验十二 三相交流电路电压、电流的测量-Multisim10 measuring circuit simulation based experiments two Experimental seventy-one order circui
- 单自由度振动系统,求其频响函数,改变质量,阻尼,刚度对频响函数的影响-Single degree of freedom vibration system, find the frequency response function, changing the impact mass, damping and stiffness of the FRF
- Partial least squares method, wolf calculated Lyapunov exponent, Related impulse response analysis algorithm and inspection.