BPSK Transmitter
- The basic parts of the BFSK transmitter are the preamble and the data input circuit. The preamble sequence is positioned in front of each packet of 122 bits for a total of 128 bits packet. The main purpose of the preamble is to facilitate the recepti
- 扩频通信中m序列的产生,以r=6 1 103F为基础,抽取出其他m序列-use r=6 1 103F As the foundation, take the other m sequence
- 信号处理中的振幅谱和相位谱以及谱密度估计等-1) Calculation of: - One-sided amplitude spectrum - One-sided phase spectrum - Vector of frequencies. 2) The function can plot: - One-sided amplitude spectrum - One-sided phase spectrum. Two examples are g