- Descr iption: 电话本 编写C++程序完成以下功能: (1) 实现简单电话本功能,用姓名来搜索电话号码; (2) 用户输入姓名,程序查找并输出结果; (3) 用户可以通过输入,添加姓名和电话号码; (4) 用户可以删除姓名和电话号码; (5) 电话本可以保存在指定文件中; (6) 电话可被从指定文件中读入到内存。 ,Descr iption: phone book prepared C++ Procedures to accomplish the followi
- 值得一看的一个C#和SQL的东西。 谁需要的看一下。包括说明、。-See a C# And SQL things. Who needs to look at. Including the descr iption.
- 本软件是简单实用的公共软件。考虑到系统的构架简单,且主要实现主要模块,提供清晰的设计框架,本文档在先做出概要设计前提下,然后在概要设计的基础上进行扩展和详细的描述,完成主要模块的详细设计。-The software is simple and practical public software. Taking into account the framework of a simple system, and the main achievement of the main module, de
- Terms of Agreement: By using this code, you agree to the following terms... 1) You may use this code in your own programs (and may compile it into a program and distribute it in compiled format for languages that allow it) freely and with no ch
- A Calculator Terms of Agreement: By using this code, you agree to the following terms... 1) You may use this code in your own programs (and may compile it into a program and distribute it in compiled format for languages that allow it) freely
- ^- Serialize abstract data types -^ Terms of Agreement: By using this code, you agree to the following terms... 1) You may use this code in your own programs (and may compile it into a program and distribute it in compiled format for language
- gery博客(blog)静态生成管理系统 本系统简介:本系统计全部以静态形式生成。asp+access结构,需支持 fso组件. 功能简介: 可设标全局标题,关键词 栏目分:导航,左边栏 左边栏,导航:可随意添加关键词,描述,链接地址以英文及中文拼音生成。 友情链接 后台管理: http://您的网址/ziliang_admin 账号admin 密码admin -gery blog (blog) static generation man
- Descr iption: Shows you how to make your own quick launch toolbar. The author may have retained certain copyrights to this code...please observe their request and the law by reviewing all copyright @NicolausX
- Descr iption This assignment tests your knowledge of C++ memory management, pointers, and parameter passing. The program contained in wordlist.cpp reads a list of words from a text file, and then displays the words to the console. The program, h
- 关于 一个天气描述的安卓源码,此源码需要用安卓环境来开发。-The descr iption of the source code
- Program Descr iption: Free powerful personal information manager to keep all your info in one place. Target OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 Software type: Freeware -Program Descr iption: Free powerful personal information manager to keep
- 【问题描述】给出一个不多于5位的正整数,要求: 1.求出它是几位数。 2.分别打印出每一位数字。 3.按照逆序打印出每一位数字。 【输入形式】控制台输入该正整数。 【输出形式】控制台分行输出输出结果。 【样例输入】1234 【样例输出】 4 1234 4321 【样例说明】1234位数为4,分别为1,2,3,4,逆序为4321 【评分标准】该题共有三个输出整数,完全正确得10分,每答错一个扣掉4分,直至得分为0。本题要求上传程序的源文件。所采
- 软件说明(内含源码):基于淘宝网手机充值服务, 放在电脑桌面上的手机充值软件(可充值固话),手机充值从此方便快捷舒适。此软件充值跟淘宝对接,自动快充5到10分钟到帐,淘宝第三方交易保证,资金安全有保障!-Software Descr iption (including source code): Based on Taobao mobile phone recharge services on mobile phone recharge software on the computer desk
- Title: MD5 and SHA in VB.NET Descr iption: Im using 2 algorithm --> MD5 and SHA built in system.security.Cryptography-Title: MD5 and SHA in VB.NET Descr iption: Im using 2 algorithm --> MD5 and SHA built in system.security.Cryptography
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