- 人事/工资/考勤管理系统广泛应用于工业、商业、企业、行政等单位,几乎每 个进行了信息化建设的单位都具有人事/工资/考勤管理系统。图5-1和图5-2是典型的人事 /工资/考勤管理系统的界面。 -personnel / payroll / attendance management system widely used in industrial, commercial, corporate, and administrative units, almost all of the in
- 多周期kdj共振,mt4指标,放在副图用,很好用的-Multi-cycle kdj resonance, mt4 indicators, on the vice Figure with good use
- 测量目标的距离是雷达的基本任务之一。无线电波在均匀介质中以固定的速度直线传播(在自由空间传播速度约等于光速 km/s)。图2-1雷达位于-Measuring the distance between the target is one of the fundamental tasks of radar. Radio waves in inhomogeneous media in a straight line to a fixed rate of propagation (the propaga
- 水文管理信息系统,整理水文数据,绘制水文图-Hydrological management information system, collation of hydrological data, hydrological Figure Drawing
- 本系统适合有产品的厂家或是代理商、批发商、销售管理等用户使用 主要功能: 1.会员管理(本站下级会员、所有会员,除去管理员其它代理商只显示自己下级非代理商的用户并管理) 2.经销商或代理商管理(拥有下级管理平台,可以管理自己的会员) 3.积分管理(1块钱一分,当积分到一定数额会有打折优惠) 4.产品管理 5.订单处理(帐单回执) 6.经销商或代理商地地点查询 7.结帐功能(比如您积分1万,折扣为8.2折,您下级在这拿货还是全价,那1.8为您的利润,下级再消息还有您
- 批量修改dwg格式图中,文字高度,根据lisp语言进行编写-Batch Edit dwg format, figure, text height, according to the preparation of lisp language
- 想用的电阻,电容,电感等的pcb封装图 -Pcb package Figure want to use resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc. ..
- 001:电柜布局图 002:电源供电线路图 003:面板接线图 004:PICM2900连线图 005:PCI2300接线图 006:AD差分信号接线图 007:科尔摩根电机与COPLEY 驱动接线图(GMM600用) 008:富士A5电机驱动器接线图 009:直流电机接线图 010:GMC650转台电机接线总图 011:DMC1842与动控制卡定义图 012:电机驱动器接线总图 013:限位开关模块接线图 014:光栅线路连接图 0
- 现需要在高度为600~700KM范围内,回归周期为30天的太阳同步轨道上布置一颗L波段的合成孔径雷达卫星。 1. 请设计合适的轨道参数,并仿真对应轨道下一个运行周期内星下点轨迹图(纬度和经度两个图); 2. 计算多普勒中心频率,多普勒调频率与纬度的关系图(设姿态角为0°,天线视角20°~60°,推荐35°); 3. 按高斯投影方式,将星下点轨迹图投影到地图坐标上。-Now requires a height of 600 ~ 700KM range, return period
- 根据地形文件图outdoor.ter,设置发射点和接收点的位置,画出两点连线的的剖面地形图-According to the terrain file Figure outdoor.ter, set the location of the emission point and the receiving point, draw two cross-sectional topographic connections
- 关于雷达各项技术的matlab仿真,是雷达学习入门的资料,有图有公式-About various technology of matlab simulation, radar is a radar learning introductory information, figure formula
- BER of QAM at Different bitrates, The resulting bit error rate the Monte Carlo simulation for the different QAM bit rates (4 to 1024) have been exported to the Matlab workspace as a vector of error values for each bit rate versus the noise powe
lab 6
- Goals and Background This lab introduces you to a symbolic debugger to use with Java programs. The debugger is part of the free Eclipse IDE. Eclipse is not installed on aludra, but is available on the campus lab machines. However, you may want to
- 数字图像处理:(1)输入图像,采用半色调技术并将图像打印和显示。(2)按要求降低图像的灰度级。(3)采用像素复制的方法对图像进行缩放。(4)采用双线性插值法的方法对图像进行缩放。-Image Printing Program Based on Halftoning The following figure shows ten shades of gray approximated by dot patterns. Each gray level is represented by a 3
- matlab中没有画箭头函数。这个程序在matlab图像中画箭头-plot arrows in matlab figure.