- DELPHI6G开发的一成套网吧身份证管理系统。主要功能是利用扫描仪或是usb摄像头等图开输入设备,将网吧会员的身份证保存在电脑里,当会员下次上机时即可以不用重覆出示身份证,而只需告诉服务他的会员号,从而核实顾客的身份证。-DELPHI6G development of a set of Internet identity management system. The main function is to use USB scanner or camera map opening the fi
- CASIO 计算器程序: 直线段边坡超欠挖检查及开口线放样程序 圆弧段边坡超欠挖检查及开口线放样程序 测量坐标与施工坐标换算 隧洞直线段顶圆弧放样程序-CASIO calculators : slope of the straight-less digging and inspection procedures for opening lines lofting arc of the slope-unerbreak opening line inspection and meas
- C++ MapX开发源码,适用于地理信息系统开发的初学者借鉴,简单易懂。打开项目文件后可直接运行,环境需要安装MapX 5.0。-mapxX C source code, apply to the development of geographic information system from the beginners, simple and understandable. After opening the project document can run, the environment
- 一个已经成形的毕业设计学生成绩管理系统,里面包含源码、论文、文献综述、外文翻译、开篇报告,系统基于asp.net平台开发,数据库采用sqlserver。 -Graduates have formed a design student achievement management system, which contains the source code, papers, literature review, foreign language translation, the opening r
- 基于Ansys软件的某开口水池的分析APDL代码-A opening Pool Analysis APDL code For Ansys
- 基于图像的风景旅游模拟漫游系统(源码 论文 开题报告 文献综述 外文资料 外文翻译 答辩PPT)-原创论文-毕业设计-foreign language translation of image tourist analog roaming system (source paper-based literature review of the opening report foreign materials respondent PPT)- graduation design- a full se
- 支付结算的概念、方式;办理支付结算的基本要求;票据和结算凭证填写的基本要求。现金管理的相关规定,包括现金的使用范围,限额,收支的基本要求,内部现金管理制度;银行结算账户的概念和种类;银行结算账户的开立、变更和撤销;各银行结算账户的概念、使用范围、开户要求。票据的概念、种类、当事人、权利与义务、行为、签章、记载事项及丧失的规定;支票、商业汇票、信用卡、汇兑结算方式的规定。-Payment and settlement of the concept, the way the basic requi
- 基于VisionPro视觉软件的二次应用。 本实例包括mv相机的基本操作,如打开相机,单次取像,实时取像,条码读取。-VisionPro vision software-based secondary application. Mv camera examples include basic operations, such as opening the camera, a single image capture, real-time image capture and bar code
- VC++编写的KTV点歌系统,SQLSERVER数据库,这个KTV系统使用了SkinPlusPlusDLL.dll控件进行换肤,界面比较漂亮吧,你现在看到源码爱好者的截图是在编辑状态下,看到的不是实际的运行效果。本KTV系统具有以下功能:查看已点歌曲列表、清空播放列表、按歌手查询音乐、按拼音查询歌曲、按歌曲名和歌曲类型查询歌曲、管理员设置、开户点歌、当前歌曲播放控制、设置播放模式、视频窗口等功能。-VC++ prepared KTV VOD system, SQLSERVER database,
- For opening different website by clicking their image icon
- System will provide normal banking facilities like account opening, deposit, withdrawal etc. Accounts can be of two types i.e. savings and current. Minimum initial deposit for opening a savings account is 5,000 and current account is 10000. You