- his 8051 microcontroller source is provided as an aid in developing application code for the CS553x family of ADCs. It is not complete in that a copyrighted driver from CYGNAL INTEGRATED PRODUCTS, INC is required for utilization of the Silico
- 介绍了各种类型的微机械硅加速度计的工作原理及特性, 通过比较各类型硅加速度计的优劣, 提出了高灵敏度硅加速度计的设计思路及实现方法。-Describes the various types of micro-mechanical silicon accelerometers working principle and characteristics of various types by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of silicon
- 用HF +HNO3 溶液蚀刻单晶硅表面,通过扫描电镜表征其形貌和厚度变化,研究了蚀刻液浓度、蚀刻时间及温度对单晶硅化学蚀刻行为的影响-Etched with HF+ HNO3 solution, silicon surfaces by scanning electron microscopy to characterize the morphology and thickness, the concentration of the etching solution, etching time a
- naxtnano的应用范围包括量子阱,量子线,量子点,纳米线,纳米微晶体,量子级联激光器 (QCL),共振隧穿二极管(RTD),高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT),Nano-MOSFETs, LEDs,激光器(e.g. VCSEL),高效太阳能板,有机半导体,离子敏场效应管(ISFET)以及 石墨烯,“应变硅,“低含氮化合物”等新型材料。是一款集合了k.p方法、自洽求解泊松-薛定谔方程等物理模型与一体的半导体光电子行业软件。-naxtnano range of applications
- 用于搬运太阳能硅片,上下料,翻转,制绒清洗自动上料机主要核心部件均选用进口材料和配件。(The main core components of the automatic feeding machine are imported materials and accessories for the transportation of solar silicon wafers, up and down materials, overturning, and the main parts of the
anisotropic silicon
- ABAQUS中硅材料参数定义方法,采用python参数化建模(How to define the anisotropic parameters of silicon in ABAQUS through python.)