- Oracle的sql*plus是与oracle进行交互的客户端工具。在sql*plus中,可以运行sql*plus命令与sql语句。 我们通常所说的DML、DDL、DCL语句都是sql语句,它们执行完后,都可以保存在一个被称为sql buffer的内存区域中,并且只能保存一条最近执行的sql语句,我们可以对保存在sql buffer中的sql 语句进行修改,然后再次执行。 除了sql语句,在sql*plus中执行的其它语句我们称之为sql*plus命令。它们执行完后,不保存在sql bu
- miniSQL 数据库设计 包含API,Buffer Manager,Catalog Manager, index Manager, Inerpreter, Record Manager-miniSQL database design includes API, Buffer Manager, Catalog Manager, index Manager, Inerpreter, Record Manager
- MiniSQL 简易实现SQL的功能,包含Buffer、catalog、record等模块-MiniSQL simple realization of SQL features, including Buffer, catalog, record and other modules
- The file freelist.c contains the code to implement the buffer replacement strategy used when there are no unused slots in the buffer pool. Augment the code in this file so that it can use any one of three possible buffer replacement strateg
- The file freelist.c contains the code to implement the buffer replacement strategy used when there are no unused slots in the buffer pool. Augment the code in this file so that it can use any one of three possible buffer replacement strateg
- LRU and MRU are very similar both require a usage - ordered list of buffers you ll pro bably need multiple versions of the Buffer s trategyControl structure for each strategy you ll probably need multiple
- Number of buffers in pool : you can either modify the value of the shared_buffers parameter in postgresql.conf (and then restart the server), or you can specify it as a command - line argument to pg_ctl when you restart the
- Buffer pool start state : for the cold start state for the query Q , run Q immediately after re - starting the PostgreSQL server. For the hot start state, run query Q immediately after running query Q . For the w