- 小新写的Delphi用SQLDMO实现控制SQL Server状态的程序,其中涉及到通过SQLDMO控制SQL Server启动停止,检测Sql Server状态用了两种方式,一种是SQLDMO,另一种是直接检测Sql Server服务。 -small write new Delphi use DDS to achieve state control of the SQL Server procedures, It involved the adoption of SQL Server DD
- 由于某种原因造成系统停止运行,致使事务在执行过程中以非控制方式终止,这时内存中的信息丢失,而存储在外存上的数据未受影响。-For some reason causing the system to stop running, resulting in transactions in the course of termination of a non-control mode, when the memory information is lost, and the data stored in
- 歌曲查询,管理员设置,开户点歌/结账,通过与media player控件的连接,用户可选择重唱、切歌、快进、快退、暂停和停止,以及选择播放模式:单曲播放、单曲循环、顺序播放、列表循环。-Songs inquires, open an account, administrator set out with song/media player controls through the connection, users can choose the human, cutting songs, fas