- 掌握在uC/OS-II 操作系统下使用ZLG/GUI的基本方法。 1. 启动 ADS 1.2,使用 ARM Executable Image for UCOSII(for lpc22xx)工程模板建立一 个工程 gui_ucos,工程存储在 uCOS-II 目录下。 说明:在 uCOS-II 目录下要保存有 uCOS-II 的移植代码和内核源代码。 2. 建立 C 源文件 Test .c,编写实验程序,保存到 gui_ucos\src 目录下,然后添加到工程 的 use
- Dvd to AVI DVD2AVI is based on MSSG MPEG2Decode-1. GUI interface (gui.cpp) 2. VFAPI support (vfapi.c vfapidec.c) 3. AC3/MPA/LPCM demux (getbit.c) 4. Auto-split AVI output through RGB24/YUY2 (store.c) 5. YUY2 DirectDraw Overlay (store.
- Syntax Analyzer: this tool with nice GUI can analyze the simple C++ code for syntax errors! It will also tell you the line of syntax error! You could type the code or open a text file with code, and it is also possible to save a file with code.
- rsspecan_ACP_measurement_example.c - Example source code rsspecan_ACP_measurement_example.h - Example header file rsspecan_ACP_measurement_example.uir - Example GUI readme.txt - this file-rsspecan_ACP_measurement_example.c - Example source
- GUI用户界面用来显示电路波形,即示波器,STM32编程实现-STM32 and GUI for application to show electronic waves accounting for testing the circuits.