- 把uCOS移植到三星的44B0的CPU上面,不过是在IAR环境下的,代码是2.80的,还带uCGUI哦,用IAR for ARM 4.31和H-JTAG验证通过。个人认为可以媲美官方版本的移植。-put uCOS transplanted to the 44B0 Samsung CPU above, but in the IAR environment, the code is 2.80, also brings uCGUI Oh, IAR used for the ARM 4.31 and H
- 应用于ucGUI的16*16点阵字库文件 只要将该文件加入ucGUI的工程中, 再在GUI.H中如下声明: extern const GUI_FONT GUI_Font6x8 ...... extern const GUI_FONT GUI_Font_HZ16x16 //汉字字体 即可使用. 使用实例: static void DemoHZ(void) { const char str[] = GUI_UC_START\"中国人民万岁\"GUI_UC_END /* Set ShiftJIS fo
- 本资料包括建立在SD卡和NANDFLASH上的文件系统,具体如下: SD卡:FAT32 NANDFLASH:FAT16 SD&NAND:整合的文件系统,SD(FAT32)的盘符是"ide",NANDFLASH(FAT16)的盘符是"FLASH" uc/FS基本使用方法: 1. FS_Init(),在调用uc/FS功能前需要进行初始化 2. FS_IoCtl(),对媒质进行格式化(SD卡用电脑格式化,所以未给出格式化参数) 3.
- 掌握在uC/OS-II 操作系统下使用ZLG/GUI的基本方法。 1. 启动 ADS 1.2,使用 ARM Executable Image for UCOSII(for lpc22xx)工程模板建立一 个工程 gui_ucos,工程存储在 uCOS-II 目录下。 说明:在 uCOS-II 目录下要保存有 uCOS-II 的移植代码和内核源代码。 2. 建立 C 源文件 Test .c,编写实验程序,保存到 gui_ucos\src 目录下,然后添加到工程 的 use
- The development is based on MSSG MPEG2Decode 1. GUI interface (gui.cpp) 2. VFAPI support (vfapi.c vfapidec.c) 3. AC3/MPA/LPCM demux (getbit.c) 4. Auto-split AVI output through RGB24/YUY2 (store.c) 5. YUY2 DirectDraw Overlay (store.c gu
- uc-gui.apj SDT2.51工程文件 uC-GUI\ ADS1.2工程文件夹 FS-GUI UltraEdit工程文件 SI\ SourceInsight工程文件夹 img\ C语言格式位图 gui\ uC-GUI源代码文件夹 不同的LCD需改变\gui\config\lcdconf.h文件中的定义 #define LCDMONO //单色 #define LCDG4 //4级灰度 #define LCDG16 //16级灰度
- The Enhanced MetaFile format (EMF) is the native vector graphics file format on Windows. Qt is a cross-platform application development framework, widely used for the development of GUI programs. Although it provides tools for almost every aspect of
- function varargout = GUI_FILTER(varargin) GUI_FILTER M-file for GUI_FILTER.fig GUI_FILTER, by itself, creates a new GUI_FILTER or raises the existing singleton*. H = GUI_FILTER returns the handle to a new GUI_FILTER or the handle to th
- The robot currently moves with kinematic control using direct input of joint angles and slider bars (GUI). Some inverse kinematics options are built in but not automated yet (a demo button). A random input is also provided and the robot animates betw
- Qt 4 GUI 示例程序, 基本涵盖了 Qt UI 主要内容-Qt 4 GUI sample application, covering the Qt UI main content
- 纯C语言开发的windows GUI 调用windows.h函数-windows GUI base on C
- Plotting The Patterns Of Some Types Of Antennas Using Matlab in the form of graphical user interface (GUI). This project aims at plotting the E-Pattern And The H-Pattern and sometimes the 3-D Pattern Of some types of Antennas such as dipole, mono
- 此为c++绘图GUI.h源代码,有借鉴者可以下载-This drawing GUI for c++. H the source code Who has experience can be downloaded
- STM32 刷屏显示图片 #include "GUI.h" #include "LCD_ConfDefaults.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> -STM32 refresh display pictures# include " GUI.h" # include " LCD_ConfDefaults.h" # include <math.h># Inc
- GUI用户界面用来显示电路波形,即示波器,STM32编程实现-STM32 and GUI for application to show electronic waves accounting for testing the circuits.
- main.c delay.c delay.h lcd.c lcd.h gui.c gui.h MEGA16_Lcd128x64_t6963.c MEGA16_Lcd128x64_t6963.hex
- delay.c delay.h gui.c gui.h lcd.c lcd.h main.c MEGA16_Lcd128x64_t6963.c MEGA16_Lcd128x64_t6963.hex test_mega16_t6963c.DBK
proteus t6963
- delay.c delay.h gui.c gui.h lcd.c lcd.h main.c MEGA16_Lcd128x64_t6963.c MEGA16_Lcd128x64_t6963.hex test_mega16_t6963c.DBK
- delay.c delay.h gui.c gui.h lcd.c lcd.h main.c MEGA16_Lcd128x64_t6963.c MEGA16_Lcd128x64_t6963.hex test_mega16_t6963c.DBK
- delay.c delay.h gui.c gui.h lcd.c lcd.h main.c MEGA16_Lcd128x64_t6963.c MEGA16_Lcd128x64_t6963.hex test_mega16_t6963c.DBK