- ks0724驱动132*65点阵HGT3313型号液晶-ks0724 driven 132 * 65 dot-matrix LCD models HGT3313
- 在屏幕上开出三个窗口:起止坐标为(5,10)和(15,30),(5,50)和(15,70),(18,15)和(22,65)。要求可用左右方向键选择左窗口或右窗口为当前活动窗口。当一行字符显示满后(左右窗口一行显示20个字符,下窗口显示50个字符),窗口自动向上卷动一行,输入的字符仍显示与最低一行,窗口最高一行向上卷动后消失。用上下方向键可使活动窗口及下窗口内容同时上卷或下卷。输入‘ESC’后结束程序。(huangyujie)-screen out three windows : starting
- 将用户从键盘输入的十进制数(不超过65535)转换成为十六进制数并显示。如果输入不是0~9的数字,则显示错误提示。-The user from the keyboard input of a decimal number (not more than 65,535) and transform it into hexadecimal number and displayed. If the input is not 0 ~ 9 figures, it shows error message.
- C++编的计算器代码,用C++编计算器。加减乘除的,部分源码-c++,http://www.supcoder.cn/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=1&ID=65&page=1
- 通过表格1中数字1、2,3、4,5、6,……,分析数据分布,没有明显规律可寻,于是索性将矩阵的若干列作局部调整,形成如表格2中的矩阵,发现后一半的数据只需65减去已填写的数字即可,索性去除,先分析前一半数据。结合调整后16阶魔方数字分布,发现一些规律-Form 1 through the number of 1,2,3,4,5,6, ... ..., analysis of data distribution, there is no clear law to be found, then si
- Life simulator, 72 bytes - Vladislav Kaipetsky and Tenie Remmel 65 bytes - Mark Andreas- Life simulator, 72 bytes - Vladislav Kaipetsky and Tenie Remmel 65 bytes - Mark Andreas
- 汇编语言程序设计屏幕窗口程序 题目:屏幕窗口程序 实验要求:在屏幕上开出三个窗口,它们的行列坐标(5,10)到(15,30);(5,50)到(15,70)以及(18,15)到(22,65)。 -Window screen assembly language programming program Topic: screen window program test requirements: on the screen to open the three windows, and th
- 8253频率计,四位数码管显示.频率0-65.53KHz.-8253 frequency meter, four digital display. Frequency 0-65.53KHz
- 国际象棋源码,汇编语言编写的源码,请使用MASM32进行编译-HOWTO.TXT 1) How to load RAM image from hd at boot-time ? At this point you ll still need the floppy. The image is loaded from the root of fat32 partition (win95/98) located at PRIMARY MA
- 在屏幕上开出三个窗口,它们的行列坐标(5,10)到(15,30);(5,50)到(15,70)以及(18,15)到(22,65)。-Screen out three windows, coordinate their ranks (5,10) to (15,30) (5,50) to (15,70) and (18,15) to (22,65).
- 用于SPI驱动指令說明: 02 09 A5 5A 00 04 00 A4 04 00 02 使用SPI功能 09 定義CS腳位為硬體編號”10” A5 5A 00 04 00 A4 04 00 下SPI指令 5A A5 00 14 6F 10 84 08 A0 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 A5 04 9F 65 01 FF 90 00 Smart Chip返回 -Driving instruction