- Cy7c63723的完整固件 cy7c63723和CY7C63001相比,他的优点是不需加太多外部器件(包括晶振),这样就简化了电路设计,也节省了成本。 本程序就是CY7C63723的完整固件。 -Cy7c63723 the integrity and firmware cy7c63723 CY7C63001 compared He has the advantage of not increase too many external devices (including C
- 一个调试好的DS18B20程序 采用是汇编语言编写,用数码管动态显示.开发简单,成本低廉.是理想的测温选者 -a good testing procedures used DS18B20 is written in assembly language, the use of digital dynamic display. Development of simple, low cost. The ideal temperature is a person
- 这个源码的CPU为PIC16C54,为子节约成本采用端口复用。-the source for the CPU PIC16C54 to adopt cost-saving portal reuse.
- 此软件是用来软解码编码IC如EV1527,FP527等防盗器常用的IC,程式可减少硬件的成本-This software is used to soft decoding IC, such as coding EV1527, FP527, such as anti-theft devices commonly used in IC, the program can reduce the cost of hardware
- 数码管显示接触式交流稳压器MCU21P,非常稳定,成本低!-Digital tube display contact AC voltage stabilizer MCU21P, very stable, low cost!
- 数码管显示接继电器式交流稳压器,超低成本!-Then relays the digital display AC voltage regulator, ultra-low cost!
- The HIH-3610 Series humidity sensor is designed specifically for high volume OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) users. Direct input to a controller or other device is made possible by this sensor’s linear voltage output. With a typical curre
- Reference desing for a low-cost multifunctional PIC12C509A based remote fan controller with salvo
- 介绍了如何使用普通器件实现了低成本高分辨率的A/D转换。关键词:双积分、A/D转换、脉冲计数-Describes how to use the common device of a low-cost high-resolution A/D conversion. Key words: double points, A/D conversion, pulse count
- 摘要单片计算机即单片微型计算机。(Single-Chip Microcomputer ),是 集CPU ,RAM ,ROM , 定时,计数和多种接口于一体的微控制器。他体积小,成本低,功能强,广泛应用于智能产品和工业自动化上。而51 单片机是各单片机中最为典型和最有代表性的一种。这次毕业设计通过对它的学习,应用,从而达到学习、设计、开发软、硬的能力。-Abstract monolithic single-chip microcomputer computer. (Single-Chip Micr
- 本系统由单片机系统、矩阵键盘、LED显示和报警系统组成。系统能完成开锁、超时报警、超次锁定、管理员解密、修改用户密码基本的密码锁的功能。除上述基本的密码锁功能外,还具有调电存储、声光提示等功能,依据实际的情况还可以添加遥控功能。本系统成本低廉,功能实用 -This system consists of microcomputer systems, matrix keypad, LED display and alarm system components. System can comple
- This article covers the so-called "min-cost flow" problem, which has many applications for both TopCoder competitors and professional programmers. The article is targeted to readers who are not familiar with the subject, with a focus more on providin
- This article covers the so-called "min-cost flow" problem, which has many applications for both TopCoder competitors and professional programmers. The article is targeted to readers who are not familiar with the subject, with a focus more on providin
- This article covers the so-called "min-cost flow" problem, which has many applications for both TopCoder competitors and professional programmers. The article is targeted to readers who are not familiar with the subject, with a focus more on providin
- 本系统由单片机系统、矩阵键盘、LED显示和报警系统组成。系统能完成开锁、超时报警、超次锁定、管理员解密、修改用户密码基本的密码锁的功能。除上述基本的密码锁功能外,还具有调电存储、声光提示等功能,依据实际的情况还可以添加遥控功能。本系统成本低廉,功能实用 -The system consists of single chip systems, matrix keypad, LED display and alarm system components. System to complete t
- 一款廉价的简单带有红外通讯功能的IC,适用简单,只需几句简单的语音即可实现。同时支持汇编语音-A simple low-cost infrared communication function with the IC, a simple application, just a few simple voice can be realized. Voice support assembly
- 以栈模拟停车场,以队列模拟车场外的便道,按照从终端读入的输入数据序列进行模拟管理。每一组输入数据包括三个数据项:汽车“到达”或“离去”信息、汽车牌照号码以及到达或离去的时刻。对每一组输入数据进行操作后的输出信息为:若是车辆到达,则输出汽车在停车场内或便道上的停车位置;若是车辆离去,则输出汽车在停车场内停留的时间和应交纳的费用(在便道上停留的时间不收费)。栈以顺序结构实现,队列以链表结构实现。-Stack mimics the parking to the queue simulation car
- 前台操作系统:订餐管理 点菜(输入桌台代码和食物代码)、加菜、下单 结账管理:结账(输入桌台代码)、结账方式选择(包括现金结账、信用卡结账、支票结账、签单等);交班管理:当班数据(包括桌台数、人民币结账金额以及总金额等),为下班操作作准备。用户权限设置:菜谱设置:新菜单录入(包括菜式名称、代码、类型、价格、成本等)、菜式修改、删除等菜式维护。付款方式设置:分为人民币付款、信用卡、支票签单等,可以根据需要进行添加和删除。 -Reception operating system: orderin
- OFDM 技术具有频谱利用率高、成本低等特点,随着人们对通信数据化、宽带化、个人化和移动化的需求,OFDM 技术在固定无线接入领域和移动接入领域将越来越得到广泛的应用-OFDM technology has high spectrum efficiency, low cost, and communication data, broadband, personal and moving the OFDM technology will increasingly be in the field o
- The Tabu search (NMTS) algorithm to solve a multiobjective fuzzy model for optimal planning of distribution systems. This algorithm obtains multiobjective nondominated solutions to three objective functions: fuzzy economic cost, level of fuzzy reliab