- Cmake - the cross-platform, open-source build system. CMake is a family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration file
- 本组件是继作者原“艾恩ASP无组件上传类”修改整合而成, 具有和无组件上传类相同的功能,并且具有无组件类不能相比的优越性能。 能实现的功能主要包括:自由提取表单数据、自由限制上传扩展名、自由限制上传大小、自由选择文件保存类型(原文件名和时间随机命名), 即可以单个文件上传又可以多个文件批量上传,同时可以提取文件的二进制数据,以方便保存到数据库-This component is the author of the original " non-iron ASP upload
- CKEditor是新一代的FCKeditor,是一个重新开发的版本。CKEditor是全球最优秀的网页在线文字编辑器之一,因其惊人的性能与可扩展性而广泛的被运用于各大网站。 CKEditor是Fckeditor html编辑器了一个升级版本,用过fckeditor的站长都知道,由于其打开速度的不理想把fckeditor用于网站做为在线编辑器并不是明智的选择,ckeditor正好弥补了这一缺陷,ckeditor是由Frederico Knabben.针对网络而开发的在线编辑器。它提供了令人吃惊
- The main application of FreeIMU is orientation sensing: by reading the data from the various sensors is possible to compute precisely the orientation of FreeIMU in the space. Recent boards also feature an high resolution barometer allowing to precise
- 操作系统的缓冲区溢出调试教程,通俗易懂,是信息安全从业人员必看首选-Operating system buffer overflow debugging tutorials, easy to understand, is the first choice for information security professionals must see
- this form .php for dropdown choice town
- PIC16F877A PIC and C fit together well: PIC is the most popular 8-bit chip in the world, used in a wide variety of applications, and C, prized for its efficiency, is the natural choice for developing embedded systems. mikroC provides a successful mat
- It is a simple project just to provide a Hang Man game concept.In this project I haven’t draw a man for a wrong choice so,try to draw a simple man by using “|” pattern in your project which make your project better . Here is the source code ,copy a