- This program does a low level read of storage media, harddisks, floppys, usb sticks, memory cards, CD/DVD etc. There is as of today no help for this program. Move the mouse over the tool buttons to get an explanation of their functions.
- 1. 本实验是模拟操作系统的磁盘寻道方式,运用磁盘访问顺序的不同来设计磁盘的调度算法。 2. 实现的磁盘调度算法有FCFS,SSTF,SCAN,CSCAN和 NStepSCAN算法。 3. 设定开始磁道号寻道范围,依据起始扫描磁道号和最大磁道号数,随机产生要进行寻道的磁道号序列。 4. 选择磁盘调度算法,显示该算法的磁道访问顺序,计算出移动的磁道总数和平均寻道总数。 -1. This experiment is a simulation of the operating syst