- 语音信号的G.711编码。 The source code has been modified by simplifying the ADPCM algorithm to increase running speed. Here, the quantizer scale factor, y(k), is determined by \"unlocked\" factor yu(k) only. The factor yl(k) and speed-contral fact
- G.723语音编码 The source code has been modified by simplifying the ADPCM algorithm to increase running speed. Here, the quantizer scale factor, y(k), is determined by \"unlocked\" factor yu(k) only. The factor yl(k) and speed-contral factor a
- Neural Network OCR Ne ural Network OCR-Neural Network OCR Ne ue al Network OCR
- Currently, there are more than 20 classes in this library, including commonly used feature extraction algorithms and modeling techniques for speech recognition and speaker verification. -Currently, there are more than 20 classes in this library.
- This function synthesizes a (speech) signal based on a LPC (linear- % predictive coding) model of the signal. -This function synthesizes a (speech) sign al based on a LPC (linear-% predictive coding) m odel of the signal.
- 查表法实现PCM与Alaw, mulaw pcm <---> alaw pcm <---> mulaw-Look-up table method to achieve PCM with Alaw, mulaw pcm < ---> alaw pcm < ---> mulaw
- Performs hierarchical clustering of data using specified method and seraches for optimal cutoff empoying VIF criterion suggested in "Okada Y. et al - Detection of Cluster Boundary in Microarray Data by Reference to MIPS Functional Catalogue Databa
- we present the first 3D discrete curvelet transform. This transform is an extension to the 2D transform described in Cand`es et al..1 The resulting curvelet frame preserves the important properties, such as parabolic scaling, tightness and sparse
- OTOMATİ K KONUŞ MA TANIMA ALGORİ TMALARININ UYGULAMALARI Kö ksal Ö CAL Ankara Ü niversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Elektronik Mühendisliğ i Anabilim Dalı Danı ş man : Yrd. Doç . Dr. H. Gö kh
- This Matlab program implements the cochannel speech separation algorithm Yi Jiang, D. L. Wang, et al. (2014), "Binaural Classification for Reverberant Speech Segregation Using Deep Neural Networks," .