- I:\\CSDN技术中心 进程管理器---一个SDK的例子-I : \\ CSDN Technology Center process management -- for example an SDK
- 本文主要叙述了语料及其管理系统的研究与设计用最新的开发工具和现有软件达到系统的设计 目标-This paper describes the corpus and its management system research and design using the latest development tools and existing software system to achieve the design goal
- recnet is a complete speech recognition system for the DARPA TIMIT and Resource Management tasks. It uses recurrent networks to estimate phone probabilities and Markov models to find the most probable sequence of phones or words.-recnet is a co
- 这套软件视频会议包括客户端+服务器端全套完整源代码,还有开发文档。也可进行二次开发。可与贵单位原有的网站和业务管理软件进行很好的融合(如OA 系统、MIS系统、ERP系统等),为您提供广泛的应用服务。 我公司提供软件视频会议系统 ,有完整的说明文档 ,视频会议全部源代码-Video conferencing software, including client+ Complete server-side source code, as well as the development of
- 使用科大讯飞的语音识别和语音合成引擎作为基础,开发的适合SP的一套语音识别应用程序,可通过简单配置应用于现有的IVR业务中。主要文件简单说明:asr.c 系统初始化,入口点asrch.c 系统核心处理单元DynGra.c 动态语法生成tts.c 语音合成eventq.c 事件队列asrtimer.c 计时器iblock.c 内存管理.-The use of Science and Technology Institute of China inquiry flying speech recogn
- 开发系类智能语音播报的好资料,ISD4004语音芯片的内部存储信息管理-Development Department of the intelligent voice of good data broadcast, ISD4004 voice chip to store information on internal management
- 高校教师工资管理系统,能对教师信息进行插入,保存,打和删除。-University teachers salary management system capable of inserting information for teachers, save, play and delete.
- 企业语音留言功能,程控控制,分机管理.适合很多小型企业使用-Business voice mail capabilities, programmable control, extension management. For many small businesses use
- 基于VC++平台开发的企业电话语音录音管理系统,有很好的应用前景-VC++ platform-based enterprise management system for telephone voice recording, there is a good prospect
- 企业电话语音录音管理系统 (1)本系统默认操作员用户名为:tsoft,密码为:111。 (2)可执行文件位置:\03\PhoneRecord\Debug\PhoneRecord.exe -Business telephone voice recording management system (1) The operator of the system default user name: tsoft, password: 111. (2) executable file locat
- 1、程序采用php语言面向对象开发,更安全、稳定、无漏洞、防注入、防丢单。 2、记录订单来路,客户IP记录及分析,订单数据统计 3、订单邮件提醒、手机短信提醒,让您第一时间追踪订单,大大提升了发货效率,提高订单成交率。 4、多种支付方式,包含:货到付款、支付宝接口、网银支付,可设置网上支付的折扣比率。 5、模板样式多样化,一个订单放到多个网站,统一后台进行管理。 6、订单批量管理审核,后台分配管理权限。-1, the program using the the php lan
- Data management code
- C语言源码!企业电话语音录音管理系统企业电话语音录音管理系统,随着市场竞争的日益激烈,各个企业都想尽办法完善对客户的服务,电话客户服务便是企业推出的一项举措,通过电话与客户联系业务,-C language source code! Enterprise management system for telephone voice recording enterprise management system for telephone voice recording, with the increa
TELE - 753 Wireless Communications
- This course provides advanced knowledge of wideband wireless communication techniques. It include the areas of diversity: Time diversity, Space diversity, Frequency TELE9753 Advanced Wireless Communications 2 diversity; Wideband CDMA systems, Wide