- 可将含有自定义头信息的多段语音的合成文件按照头信息内容进行选择,提取,分割和再组合。本程序用在非特定语音识别的语音库文件的批量处理中,略作修改即可扩展至其他用途。-will contain information from the definition of the first multi-Speech Synthesis of the document in accordance with the information content of the first choice, extract
- RASTA is a program for performing feature extraction in speech recognition systems. It takes files or streams of audio data and produces files or streams of feature vectors. Three feature extraction approaches are supported - PLP, log-rasta and
- RASTA is a program for performing feature extraction in speech recognition systems. It takes files or streams of audio data and produces files or streams of feature vectors. Three feature extraction approaches are supported - PLP, log-rasta and
- RASTA is a program for performing feature extraction in speech recognition systems. It takes files or streams of audio data and produces files or streams of feature vectors. Three feature extraction approaches are supported - PLP, log-rasta and
- RASTA is a program for performing feature extraction in speech recognition systems. It takes files or streams of audio data and produces files or streams of feature vectors. Three feature extraction approaches are supported - PLP, log-rasta and
- 1、程序采用php语言面向对象开发,更安全、稳定、无漏洞、防注入、防丢单。 2、记录订单来路,客户IP记录及分析,订单数据统计 3、订单邮件提醒、手机短信提醒,让您第一时间追踪订单,大大提升了发货效率,提高订单成交率。 4、多种支付方式,包含:货到付款、支付宝接口、网银支付,可设置网上支付的折扣比率。 5、模板样式多样化,一个订单放到多个网站,统一后台进行管理。 6、订单批量管理审核,后台分配管理权限。-1, the program using the the php lan