- 求取一阶差分MFCC 读取MFCC文件,生成一阶差分MFCC文件。-order to strike a difference MFCC MFCC read documents, generated an order difference MFCC document.
MFCC 对输入的语音序列x进行MFCC参数的提取
- 对输入的语音序列x进行MFCC参数的提取,返回MFCC参数和一阶差分MFCC参数,Mel滤波器的阶数为24,fft变换的长度为256,采样频率为8000Hz,对x 256点分为一帧. -The voice of the input MFCC parameters on the sequence of x, return to MFCC parameters and extracted a order difference MFCC parameters, Mel filter for th
- 用于从wav文件中提取mfcc系数,并分别求出一节差分和二阶差分系数,Wav file from extracted MFCC coefficients, and separately to derive a difference and second-order differential coefficient
- 提取MFCC特征参数的一阶差分值,前提是MFCC参数已经计算完毕。,MFCC extraction of characteristic parameters of the first-order difference scores, the prerequisite is completion of MFCC parameters have been calculated.
- 测量两个信号的信噪比。同时可以用来比较两个文件的差异大小。-It can measure the SNR between two signals. Also it can be used to test the difference between two files.
- 数字语音的短时分析中的部分功能函数:包括短时能量、短时过零、短时幅度、短时幅度差。-Short-term analysis of digital voice some function: including short-term energy, zero short-term, short-term rate, short-time magnitude difference.
- 短时平均能量和平均幅度差函数进行基音检测的方法-Short-term average energy and average magnitude difference function pitch detection method
- 提取MFCC特征参数的一阶差分值,前提是MFCC参数已经计算完毕。-MFCC extraction of characteristic parameters of the first-order difference scores, the prerequisite is completion of MFCC parameters have been calculated.
- 语音信号处理中基音周期的提取算法。运用循环的平均幅度差分法实现的。-Speech signal processing algorithm for pitch period extraction. The average rate of use of cyclic difference method realized.
- 本源程序为线性预测分析源程序 可以求得线性预测差值-The source code for the linear prediction analysis of source code can be obtained linear prediction difference
- There are four major types of adaptive filtering configurations adaptive system identification, adaptive noise cancellation, adaptive linear prediction, and adaptive inverse system. All of the above systems are similar in the implementation of the al
- 微软语音识别分两种模式:文本识别模式和命令识别模式.此两种模式的主要区别,主要在于识别过程中使用的匹配字典不同.前者使用的是通用字典,特点是内容多,覆盖的词汇量大,字典由sdk提供.适用于没有预定目标的随机听写之类的应用.同时因为词汇量大直接导致识别的精度降低,识别速度较慢.后者的字典需要 开发者自己编写,就是你们所说的xml文件.通过SR引擎读取xml实现特定词识别-Microsoft speech recognition points two modes: text recognition
- 快速傅氏变换(FFT),允许用户查看的音频信号的频谱内容。 FFT这里给出的代码是由唐交叉出现,他的主页,随后被撤下。而不是解释的FFT的数学理论,我将试图解释它的用处,因为它涉及到的音频信号。 FFT允许用户获得的音频信号的频谱构成,获得它的各种频率的分贝,或获得其各种频率的强度。光谱观众(在上面的图片所示),均衡器,或VU表可以使用FFT,以显示其结果。它们之间的差值,然后取决于一对夫妇方程采取的FFT的实部和虚部的组件,并返回的强度或分贝水平被用于在绘制结果中的一个。下面的代
- 语音信号的时域、频域分析,包括短时能量分析、短时平均过零率、自相关函数、短时平均幅度差函数等。-Time-domain speech signal, frequency domain analysis, including short-term energy analysis, the average short-term zero-crossing rate, autocorrelation function, such as short-time average magnitude diff
Synthetic Speech Detector Example
- Detects synthetic speech based on interframe difference of log likelihood of claimed speaker s GMM.
- sphinx系统是一个拥有悠久历史的语音识别系统,李开复自称第一个sphinx是他写的。 传说 中是第一个实用的10数字语音系统。 是由卡奈基.美隆大学研发。 sphinx3.x是基于C语言的最新版本,sphinx和 sphinx2请大家不要去研究了。 sphinx for ppc是一个在PocketPc上实现的嵌入式语音识别系统。 而 sphinx4是完全用JAVA编写实现的语音识别系统, 因为JAVA的特性,在平台间移植
- 本段程序实在MATLAB环境下对输入的语音序列x进行MFCC参数的提取,返回MFCC参数和一阶差分MFCC参数。-Voice input sequence x extracted MFCC parameters, return parameters and the first-order difference MFCC MFCC parameters
- 音频特征MFCC系数提取函数,包含静态12维,一阶差分和二阶差分24维,共36维,能够极大地提高音频识别的效果。-MFCC coefficient audio feature extraction functions, including static 12-dimensional, first-order and second-order differential difference dimension 24, a total of 36 dimensions, can greatly im
- this function computes phase synchronization using Phase locking value method over an analysis window of fixed length inputs to this function - phase, sampling frequency output this function - synchronization measure based on PLV processing perform
- 利用自相关或平均幅度差提取基音原理,帧长160,帧移80。求能量E、过零率Z和基音周期pitch;采用自相关法或平均幅度差法求取基音周期,基音周期范围(80~400hz);画出能量、过零率和基音曲线。(Pitch principle is extracted by means of autocorrelation or mean amplitude difference)