- 给vim增加函数列表。Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com) For Vim version 6.0 and above Last change: 2006 November 14-vim increasing function to the list. Author : Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com ) For Vim version 6.0 and
- 文本编辑器,有简单的界面,可以实现文本文件的创立,装入,保存,显示和编辑的功能。数据结构要求用链表,要实现链表的建立,添加,删除,插入,参考界面是TC2.0-text editors, a simple interface, can achieve the creation of text files, loading, storage, display and editing functions. Requested data structure used chain, in order to
- 用双向链表,文件读写的知识编写简单的通讯录,可记录姓名、性别、出生年月日、邮编、地址、电话号码等内容。可从第一条显示、从最后一条显示,可实现上翻下翻浏览。可进行添加、删除、插入、查找、保存、退出等通讯录的基本操作。界面友好,输入输出更具人性化,实现键盘响应,有操作提示,便于使用者上手操作。-with two-way linked list, document literacy knowledge of the preparation of simple correspondence, it ca
- 此软件支持多文档打开,支持多种程序语言语法高亮度显示:Delphi,SQL,Basic,C++, Perl,Java,HTML, TCL/tk,AWK scr ipt,Python CA-Clipper MS-DOS Patch File。多种选择模式支持,支持程序语言语法高亮度显示颜色的可视化调整,支持书签:十个书签,支持多级Undo和Redo操作,层次数可以自己设置。 支持最近文件列表,最近文件的数量可以自己设置。支持查找、替换:同Delphi: 支持直接编辑Delphi的窗体文件(dfm)
- 查看表结构个工具,同时还对输入一些查询语句进行测试-Check list structure a tool, but also to input some queries on test
- vi Quick Reference 一个linux平台下的非常强大的编辑器的快捷键列表-vi Quick Reference under a linux platform a very powerful editor a list of shortcuts
- 定义社区节点,类似RSS阅读器 2。自动获取社区最新帖子列表 3。根据条件过滤帖子-The definition of community-based node, similar to RSS Reader 2. Automatic access to the latest posts list of community 3. In accordance with the conditions of filtering messages
- Normally a list view is updated by a user directly by selecting a list view item and then editing or deleting it. New items are usually added at the bottom of the list. This works fine since the user knows which items have been changed or deleted and
- Some time during my development works I had the need of printing the contents of a ListView control. So I wrote down the code for a custom control, named PrintableListView, that solved the following two problems: * extend the print on multiple
- m file function list
- 这个压缩文件用来用十字链表来进行数组的一些运算,加减-this rar is used for list
- 加载RSS格式的XML文档并解析为对应类,支持RSS列表和频道列表,并且下载使用异步操作,事件驱动。-Loaded RSS format XML document and parse the corresponding classes, support RSS list and channel list.
- Two-way circular list of plug-ins, just as a test to use, the program relatively short, simple functions
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLI
- 原为进行MiniGUI程序开发而编写。VC6.0编写的界面编辑器,可拖拽控件、设置属性,生成资源代码。-Originally prepared for MiniGUI program development. VC6.0 write interface editor, drag and drop controls, set properties, generate source code.
- 数据结构实验--文本编辑器 C++实现,链表的使用-Experimental data structure- a text editor, C++ implementation, the use of linked list
- 使用链表实现文本编辑器,包括文本的增删改查等功能。-Use the list to achieve a text editor, including additions and deletions to the text search functions.
- A Link List sort insert elements
- 此文档用于描述 PBCOMMENT 5.3 以上的版本提供的自动帮助写代码的功能。PBCOMMENT 5.3及以上的版本新增了根据字段列表,变量列表,datawindow 赋值语句列表,自动生成 datawindow 之间复制数据的代码;自动生成 结构体变量 和 datawindow 之间的赋值代码;自动生成 变量列表 和 datawindow 之间的赋值代码。-This document describes PBCOMMENT 5.3 or later to provide automated
- 。用word编辑好文章,然后保存为htm格式 2。打开catalog制作大师,新建一个目录册 3。点击“导入外部文件”按钮,或者直接拖动多个htm文件到catalog制作大师的文件列表窗口。 4。点击输出按钮,选择输出目录册下的chm格式菜单 5。一个完整的chm文件就出现了。 如果不想多个文件作成一个chm电子书,还可以点击 输出,选择输出页面,选择chm格式-. Good article with the word edit and