- 位图编辑器。隔行扫描、反色 、。灰度。缩放自由设置宽高、画对角线、等等 、很实用、很多时候自己想要的 大小转换不了 、有了这个就可以了 、-Bitmap editor. Interlaced scanning, anti-color. Shades of gray. Scaling free to set the width and height, draw the diagonal, and so on, very practical, very often they want the siz
- We see that HTH matrix is almost diagonal as the off diagonal elements are nearly zero. So we are getting exact estimation in case of PRN INPUT due to diagonality of HTH matrix. As seen that the unknown inpulse response ( h ) and estimated impulse re
- We see that HTH matrix is almost diagonal as the off diagonal elements are nearly zero. So we are getting exact estimation in case of PRN INPUT due to diagonality of HTH matrix. As seen that the unknown inpulse response ( h ) and estimated impulse re
- We see that HTH matrix is almost diagonal as the off diagonal elements are nearly zero. So we are getting exact estimation in case of PRN INPUT due to diagonality of HTH matrix. As seen that the unknown inpulse response ( h ) and estimated impulse re