- 反病毒引擎设计.doc,一个毕业论文,还不错-the design of anti-virus engine
- 有病毒源代码,可以知道病毒源代码的编写, 知道病毒的工作原理;-Since you have the cods of virus ,you ll know how the virus are made and realize their priciples!
- 这是我从网上下的一个病毒源码。不是我自己写的,不要说我侵权哦,我现在是个菜鸟。学好了,一定和大家分享我的劳动成果。-from the Internet under a virus source. Instead I wrote it myself, not that I infringement Oh, I was a birdie. Master, and we will share the results of my labor.
- 这是一个网页炸弹实现及其的源代码,里面有详细的介绍。-This is one of the implements on how to make the bomb ine a page,including source code and exact introduction
- 病毒知识大全,主要介绍了病毒的一些基础知识,常见病毒的源代码,病毒的分析和教学,以及怎样防治病毒-knowledge Daquan virus, a virus introduced some basic knowledge, common source code for the virus, the virus analysis and teaching, and how to combat the virus
- 中国病毒公社(CVC)内部杂志.主要介绍了PE病毒等的相关知识,以及常见病毒的源码.-The CVC magzine is the inner one and it mainly introduces something about thr virvus of PE,including the common virvus s source codes!
- clamav最新版本的代码,C语言,无密码.直接解压.这是著名的开放代码反病毒软件-ClamAV latest version of the code, C language, without passwords. Direct decompression. This is the well-known open source anti-virus software
- 关于感染型病毒行为基本原理的源代码。 1、熟悉PE结构,掌握感染过程。 -virus infection on the behavior of the basic tenets of the source code. A familiar with the structure of PE, master infection process.
- 一种病毒的源码,熟悉之后就可以针对这种病毒写出破解程序.-a source of the virus, after the familiar against the virus can write crack procedures.
- 本书分为两个部分.第一部分介绍了病毒基础知识和反病毒工具的使用方法.第二部分深入DOS内部介绍病毒原理.使用与中高级人员参考!-the book is divided into two parts. The first part gives a basic knowledge of the virus and anti-virus tools use. The second part of the internal DOS-depth briefing virus theory. Senior
- 本书从简单的例子开始,逐步深入到windows平台汇编语言方方面面.汇集了作者深厚的win32汇编经验!-this book from a simple example, the gradual deepening of the windows platform assembly language aspects. The authors pooled deep win32 Series experience.
- 最近爆发的蠕虫样本WORM_SOBER.AG,有兴趣的朋友可以分析一下-recent outbreak of the worm samples WORM_SOBER.AG, interested friends analysis
- 现在的病毒是越来越多了,几乎每上一回电脑都要杀毒,所以杀毒软件是必不可少的-the virus is now more and more, almost every last one to have antivirus computer, antivirus software is essential
- 一套非常实用的文章,包括病毒原理、杀毒引擎技术、如何提取病毒特征码等。-a very practical articles, including virus theory, the virus engine technology, how to extract virus signatures so.
- HanGame*VC源代码 外面流传的很多HANGAME的*生成器 并不能获取到玩家的身上的钱数 我发的这个源码是VC写的 喜欢VC的朋友来研究研究吧 功能: 在win98/win2k/nt/xp/2003下都无进程 能准确截取 HANGAME 玩家登陆的游戏帐号 密码 游戏房间URL 随身钱数 无进程 通过80端口传递信息 主要是想让朋友们一起学习键盘钩子 老鸟就别看拉 是很一般的作品 目前还可以使用的-HanGame Trojan sour
- 应付冲击波绝对有效,我经常中冲击波。无赖只好寻找到这个源代码!`-cope with the shock totally effective, I often shock. Rogue had to find the source code! `
- 汇编格式的CIH病毒的源码分析文件,包括1.1-1.4版本,通过对此病毒的分析,可以对WINDOWS系统有更深入的了解-compilation format CIH virus analysis of the source documents, including versions 1.1 to 1.4, through the analysis of this virus, the Windows system can have a better understanding
- 在系统加载程序时检查文件是否被感染,程序中运用了钩子技术,文件主要分3部分,分别的运行,安装和反安装。-loading procedures in the system when checking if the file has been infected, to use the procedures hook, the paper's main points three parts, the operation, installation and anti-installed.
- 一个简短的病毒源码,是拿来研究用的。而且比较旧,一般的杀毒软件都可以查出吧(我没试过)。-A brief source of the virus is used to study with. And the old, the general anti-virus software can detect it (I have not tried).
- 这份大马是经过各位web安全工程师推出的一款开源大马所有源代码,有更好的速度了去除了部分bug,*性能好。稳定性强,支持多款浏览器,这个是非常好的一份开源代码。-All the source code open source in Malaysia Malaysia this is the result you web security engineers introduced a better speed in addition to the part of the bug, kill-fr