- 金山卫士开源了,很开心可以学点东西了,很遗憾,核心的技术仍然处于保密状态,金山的答复是,不想让别有用心的流氓学会了,那就意味着,良民们能看的也就是应用层的东西了,主动防御在驱动层是如何实现的,黑客和杀软在驱动层是怎样进行明争暗斗的,这份代码包括完整的驱动程序,和应用层代码,至少可以回答这些问题。-Jinshan guards open source, and very happy to learn something, and unfortunately, the core technology
- 这是一个做工相当精制的杀毒软件,用VB写的,界面与内核都己经十分完美,供大家参考-This is a very refined work of antivirus software, using VB to write the interface with the core are already very perfect, for your reference
- - - - AnExBot Core 1.01 - - - - - - In affiliation with http://ssteam.ws Compiles nativley in VC++ 9.0 BotNet- - - - - - AnExBot Core 1.01 - - - - - - In affiliation with http://ssteam.ws Compiles nativley in VC++ 9
- Clam AntiVirus 是一款 UNIX 下开源的 (GPL) 反病毒工具包,专为邮件网关上的电子邮件扫描而设计。该工具包提供了包含灵活且可伸缩的监控程序、命令行扫描程序以及用于自动更新数据库的高级工具在内的大量实用程序。该工具包的核心在于可用于各类场合的反病毒引擎共享库。-Clam AntiVirus is an open source under UNIX (GPL) anti-virus toolkit for e-mail scanning on mail gateways des
- 这是金山卫士开源的代码,是金山开源计划的一部分,金山计划逐步开放其金山卫士的非核心代码,开放出来的代码有一定的研究意义-This is the guardian of open source code Jinshan, Jinshan Open Source is part of the plan, Jinshan Jinshan plans to gradually open up its code for non-core defenders, opening up the code out
- MSVC++6.0下一个通用的杀毒引擎的代码,是PE杀毒的核心代码,用过的厂商有瑞星和华赛-MSVC++6.0 under a common anti-virus engine code is the core of PE anti-virus code, vendors have used the Chinese race and Rising
- 本软件目前尚处于测试状态,各个功能还不是很完整,稳定性也无法保证, 且本软件采用了大量新颖的内核技术,故使用者务必确保当前为测试系统, 且未安装杀毒软件,未打开重要文档等,我们对本软件造成的死机蓝屏等 现象引起的重要文档未保存而丢失等现象概不负责。请确保本软件运行在 干净的 单核 Windows XP SP2系统中。 本软件应用采用VS2005编写,驱动层采用Windows DDK 3790.1830编写。-The software is currently in
- 本源码是易语言的 杀毒软件的核心D-The source code is easy language to kill the poisonous software core DLL
- WinHex is in its core a universal hexadecimal editor, particularly helpful in the realm of computer forensics, data recovery, low-level data processing, and IT security.