- 用Doolittle方法求解此方程组; 1.先由U[1][i]=a[1][i] 求的U的第一行,在根据L[i][1]=a[i][1]/U[1][1] 求的L的第一列;2..然后根据公式求得U,L其他的值; 3 回带求解得到X -Try using this method to solve equations; 1. First U [1] [i] = a [1] [i] for the U in the first line, in accordance with L [i] [1
- 编码转换中需要的资源,GBK字符集和unicode字符集之间的映射关系,如果编程需要,建议使用Ultraedit修改成方便的格式,Transcoding in the resources needed, GBK character set and unicode character set mapping between the relations, if the program needs, recommend the use of Ultraedit modified into a conv
- create database StdMis Go use StdMis Go If exists(select name from sysobjects where name="User" and type="U") Drop table User go create table T_User( UserName varchar(10) not null, Password varchar(6) not null, FullName var
- 采用PB8.0开发,包括指纹考勤系统的前端考勤部分和管理部分。指纹考勤部分需要U.are.U指纹仪的支持,管理部分我把指纹仪的验证部分去掉了。数据库是MS SQLServer7.0的,也可以转到MS SQLServer2000下运行。-PB8.0 development, including the front-end the attendance part and Management section of the fingerprint attendance system. The fing
- The RSA algorithm was publicly described in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman at MIT the letters RSA are the initials of their surnames, listed in the same order as on the paper. MIT was granted U.S. Patent 4,405,829 for a "Crypto