- 如何在MFC中调用CUDA,环境: Windows Vista SP1,Microsoft Visual Studio 2005,CUDA 2.0 步骤:1.创建一个对话框的MFC程序 -How to call MFC CUDA, Environment: Windows Vista SP1, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, CUDA 2.0: 1. Create a MFC dialog box program
- Multiplication of matrices of size and MxK HxM. ALL shipment must be made without blocking! Managing the process: 1. Asks for the dimensions of matrices M, K, N. 2. Produces dynamic formation and filling of matrix operands. 3. Prepares
- Is the figure on the plane, presented in the form of plural-va points (xi, yi) There are changes that need to perform (turning, moving, scaling) Leave the system, which has undertaken the conversion figures, but every single child process may t
- 折半查找法是效率较高的一种查找方法。假设有已经按照从小到大的顺序排列好的五个整数a0~a4,要查找的数是X,其基本思想是: 设查找数据的范围下限为l=1,上限为h=5,求中点m=(l+h)/2,用X与中点元素am比较,若X等于am,即找到,停止查找;否则,若X大于am,替换下限l=m+1,到下半段继续查找;若X小于am,换上限h=m-1,到上半段继续查找;如此重复前面的过程直到找到或者l>h为止。如果l>h,说明没有此数,打印找不到信息,程序结束。(The method of bin