- 软件主页: www.gfastdown.com 文件说明: FastDownActiveX.zip ActiveX版 FastDownCB6.zip C++ Builder6 静态库 FastDownVC6.zip VC++ 6 静态库 FastDownVC7.zip VC++ 7 静态库 TestFastDown.zip 测试程序 TestFastDownSrcVC6.zip 测试程序源代码(VC版) TestFastDownSrcVB
- COM组件调用方法: 首先 运行 “注册USBPass组件.bat” ,在系统中注册USBPassW.dll 和 USBPassR.dll 1>在VB6.0的调用 打开一个工程 菜单->工程->引用-> 在打开的窗口中 选择“USBPass-Write (基于U盘的授权系统 V3.0)”和“USBPass-Write (基于U盘的授权系统 V3.0)” 然后可按照Demo中的方式使用。 2>在Delphi7的调用
- ANSMTP component provides an easy way to enable your ASP, VB, VBA, VC++, Delphi, C#, VB.NET, Jscr ipt.NET, ASP.NET or other COM environment applications to send rich TEXT/HTML email based on SMTP or ESMTP protocol. It also can lookup DNS MX record to
- brush developed in delphi ·Improved component for work with ·Improve DBGrid from EhLib. Many f ·Delphi 的StringGrid无法嵌入ComboB ·一个相当不错的皮肤源码 ·制作API钩子,截获API的源码 ·漂亮的delphi界面控件 ·远程桌面,服务端+客户端 ·DELPHI办公全套管理系统 ·针对 UDP 通讯协议的 Socket 构件, ·获取
- Delphi调用VC编写的COM。 VC编写的COM主要功能为CRC32校验。-Call VC COM written in Delphi
- Uso da porta serial. Este programa sé comunica com o clp toshiba T1 ,mas no entanto vc pode mudar o codigo fonte para atender suas necessidade,ele comunica usando a porta serial do pc.esta em anexo codigo fonte e exe Nota: Feito com Delphi
- Voice Communicator components version 2.5.2009.06 Personal-Dear customer, thank you for choosing the Voice Communicator components version 2.5.2009.06 Personal! We were working hard to bring you the best product you can rely on, and we
- 对于二次开发,目前可以提供三种类型的开发包: 全系列ActiveX开发包Delphi,VB,VC 支持威视达康公司全系列网络摄像机,ActiveX方式。实时观看、录像、拍照、监听、对讲等功能。该开发包封装比较完整,功能全面,开发相对比较简单。 -For the second development, now offers three types of development package: a full range of ActiveX SDK Delphi, VB, VC, as