- *穿墙版源码(Delphi) DELPHI编译的*穿墙版本*源码2009*远程控制 -Dove gray walls wear a version of source code (Delphi) DELPHI-compiled version of the gray walls wear a gray pigeon pigeon gray pigeons source 2009 Remote Control
- 海盗远程控制1.2 说明 特性: 服务端不但能插入IE进程穿防火墙,又可选随意插系统目录的文件,不用生成DLL文件,无驱动隐藏,内存占用少。 适用于Windows 2000/XP/2003 不支持9x-Viking Remote Control 1.2 Descr iption Features: server will not only into the process of wear IE firewall, also free to insert an opt