- 简单的电话录音源码,具备来电显示、应答、呼叫等功能。-Simple telephone record source program with the function of Show Phone Number, answer and call.
DSPack 2.34
- 为Delphi2005做了改动 DSPack 2.3.3 (Sep 2004). DSPack is a set of Components and class to write Multimedia Applications using MS Direct Show and DirectX technologies. DSPack is designed to work with DirectX 9 on Win9X, ME, 2000, and Windows XP operating sy
- 在delphi3-7的环境下,安装后,可以显示透明图象,有一点局限,就是只能显示透明的bmp图象.-in delphi3-7 environment, the installation will show a transparent image, it is limited, is that the only show transparent bmp image.
- // 修正内容: // 1.产生作用范围由原来的一个Form扩大到整个Application。 // 即一个应用程序只需要在主form放一个tdosmove就行. // 2.修正控件已释放,但是指针不为空而导致的非法内存访问异常。 // 3.修正TActiveColor显示不稳定。-/ / amended as : / / 1. have a role in the original scope of a Form expand to the whole of Applicati
- 一个通过传递一个值来填充下面数字的,可以用于收款发票上的帐款显示条,需要自己加包编译.-through a transfer value to a figure below the filling can be used on the invoices receivable accounts show, Canada needs its own compiler package.
- 能够显示多种图形效果的构件太好用了!!方便-to show the effect of a variety of graphic elements handy! ! Convenient.
- xp仿造登陆界面的 拿出来给大家了 有好东西大家不要忘记拿出来啊-imitations landing xp interface for everyone to show the good things, we must not forget to show ah
- 设定按照系统分辨率,自动调整窗体大小适应并显示-set in accordance with the Resolution and automatically adjust and adapt to the Window Size show
- 这个Delphi控件可以将你的静态图片以多种特效的效果显示出来,通常用于计算机屏保、ATM屏保时的广告播放。-this you can control the static pictures in various magic effects show up Screen Saving commonly used for computer, the ATM Screen Saving broadcast advertising.
- OttLib套件使用说明: 1、OttEnter控件:该控件主要实现在窗口中按回车键跳转到下一控件的功能;该控件是非可视控件,Enable属性设置为True时控件生效(回车跳转到下一控件)。 2、OttDBGrid控件:该控件主要用于配合ottEdit,ottDBEdit控件进行显示数据,实际使用中无需对其进行设置,主要也就调整大小即可,显示大小也可在ottEdit,ottDBEdit控件上进行设置,在实际使用中一个窗体中共用一个就行。 3、OttEdit控件:该控件主要用于录入关联
- 利用Delphi的代码在VC中显示JPG图片,不使用动态连接库。 Mail_Report.zip 一个邮件报告程序。 SrcFirstProg.zip 解释了最基本的MFC程序流程。 tabcontrol_demo.zip tabcontrol_src.zip 自定义的标签控件对话框。 Undo_demo.zip undo_src.zip 在VC中实现Undo和Redo功能。 -using Del
- 图像特效显示有43种特效显示的具体功能,可以进行多种玄目的效果-magic show images of 43 species of magic shows that the specific functional, multi-purpose effect Yuen
- show disk capacity for large drive in delphi
- Floating Window.It is descendant of TCustomPanel. You can: - Drag on its title bar. - Set title bar on the left (only for truetype font) - Show/Hide buttons on title bar - Expand/shrink window (like tool window in CorelDraw)
- 示如何获得本机IP地址,如何生成透明窗口,如何从任务条上隐藏-show how to obtain the machines IP address, how to create a transparent window, from the mission of how hidden
- 开源代码,元音的滤波和人工合成,delphi开发,VST插件,Hello and welcome to Tobybear VowelSynth/VowelFilter! This is a simple VST plugin (PC only) by Tobybear (www.tobybear.de) using the formant filter algorithm from Alex (alex@smartelectronix.com), hence it is called
- Threaded Splash Form on Screen in Delphi, show an example on how to make a threaded splashscreen,Threaded Splash Form on Screen in Delphi, show an example on how to make a threaded splashscreen
- Show Alpha Splash Form in Delphi(Png Transparent Form),Show Alpha Splash Form in Delphi(Png Transparent Form)
- 主要功能 : 1、画图,并有坐标尺 2、能够随意的放大缩小(编写两个函数,分别对应X,Y粥的缩放倍数) 3、一个记录集(或链表),记录当前画了多少图形,分别是什么图形,颜色,状态等 4、一个枚举类型,枚举所有本控件能画的图形(长方形,正方形,三角形 及自定义(即鼠标随意画)等) 5、能通过鼠标删除所画图形,并能移动图形,填充图形等 6、能够导出位图文件(bmp)
- 注册热键, 使用设置的热键来隐藏/显示 程序窗口-Registered hotkey, use the set hotkey to hide/show window