- 创建一个公司内部电话通讯录管理系统。该项目将出现一个启动界面。分为公司管理员及普通员工权限登入。-create an internal telephone directory management system. The project will have a start interface. Administrators divided into companies and the general competence of the staff sign.
- 本源码为移动公司话费查询中间件TUXEDO使用的实例,其中涉及到移动公司的接口协议,供相关人员开发之用-the source of the charges inquiries Mobile Middleware TUXEDO use of examples, With respect to the mobile interface protocol for the staff development --
- 部门员工列表实现,是用vc编写,sql为数据库 用的时候要改成自己的数据库连接-achieve departmental staff list is prepared by vc, sql to the database using the time to adopt its own database connection
- 工程代码: 员工基本资料、部门基本资料、工资发放、简单人事考勤、等人事档案基本要素,您可动态设置员工花名册输出栏目-project code : Staff basic information, basic information department, payroll, personnel appraisal simple. personnel files and other basic elements, you can set up the staff roster of dynam
- 访问中科大讯飞的TTS源码,使用delphi开发,需要的人员可以参考。,Flying visit to USTC TTS information source, use delphi development needs of staff can refer.
- 黑油模型及原程序,对于学习数模的人员相当有用哈!,Black oil model and the original process model for the study of HA staff very useful!
- 读取.ini文件类型,运用简单快捷,对于初级人员帮助较大。-Read. Ini file type, the use of simple and quick, great for junior staff to help.
- 简单的健身房网站,实现了会员的登陆注册,预定活动,服务员的制定活动,管理员的统计的功能,需要引入lib下的jar包-Simple gym web site, landing membership registration, scheduled activities, staff development activities, statistical functions administrators need to introduce jar under lib package
- 工作人员在按照作业指导书逐项完成后,提交工作票,即可自动更新操作了的设备的相关状态属性,以及屏柜内部的具体情况信息,以便下次开票作为参考依据和以后对工作的责任认定。- Staff one by one and follow the instructions to complete the job, submit job tickets, you can automatically update the status of the relevant properties of the devi
- 针对百度ECharts报表插件进行了后台封装。整体参考HighCharts.net进行的封装。各项属性对应百度EchartsAPI文档。方便后台人员使用。试用于一些数据比较复杂,不好处理的场景。当然新人多也试用。-Baidu ECharts report plug-in for the background package. The overall reference to HighCharts.net encapsulation. Each attribute corresponds to B