- 如果原來從事 Windows 軟體開發,想跨足或轉換至 Mac OS X環境,需要知道那些東西?有什麼知識技能可以 快速運用在 Mac OS X環境上的?這兩個問題應該是 Windows 開發者進入 Mac OS X環境最關心的問題。本文 假設讀者以往採用微軟的開發工具,並以 C/C++/C#的任一種組合作為開發語言。-If you had been working on Windows software development, like branched out into, or s
- People have vast background knowledge to cope with everyday situations. We don t have to be told everything explicitly because we can call on the background knowledge. We use `default knowledge to handle situations where knowledge is incomplete
- mac os入门资料,介绍了mac os平台编程的一些事项和编程入门,基础知识的讲解,等等,如果第一次接触mac编程,一定不能错过-mac os entry information on the mac os platform programming some of the issues and programming to introduce the basic knowledge of the talks, and so on, if the first contact with the m
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- Apple macintosh Os for Knowledge
- 这本实用的书,程序员提供他们需要创造尖端的移动应用程序,使用苹果的iPhone SDK的知识和代码。 iPhone是一个最热门的新的技术:一个功能齐全的便携式存在的最先进的手持式用户界面的Unix操作系统。 iPhone SDK的应用开发占地面积为iPhone和iPod Touch的开发环境,从窗口和导航栏,以更先进的层的iPhone SDK,如屏幕转换,低级别的图形渲染,使用CoreSurface,多点触摸API,数字声音和音乐的渲染与天体的CoreAudio-This practical b
- 用objective-c写的扫雷游戏,很经典,涉及到了很多知识,尤其是算法-Written in objective-c minesweeping game, classic, design a wide range of knowledge, especially in the algorithm.
- 这本是讲述的内容是利用Xcode 4.x的IDE进行iOS的开发工作,里面不仅仅是讲述Obje-c的开发知识,还讲述了新版本开发工具Xcode的一些新特性。-This is about the content is using Xcode 4. X IDE for cisco iOS development work, it is not just about Obje-c development knowledge, also tells the new versions of some ne
- 英文版的书籍,使你了解xcode开发工具和相关的知识-English version of the book, so that you understand the xcode developer tools and relevant knowledge