- Jpcsp是最先进的PlayStation便携式模拟器,让你在PC上播放您的PSP游戏 -Jpcsp is the most advanced PlayStation Portable emulator, allowing you to play your PSP games on a PC
- 苹果操作平台OS学习,Objective-C进阶学习-Apple OS platform to learn, Objective-C Advanced Learning
- 这本实用的书,程序员提供他们需要创造尖端的移动应用程序,使用苹果的iPhone SDK的知识和代码。 iPhone是一个最热门的新的技术:一个功能齐全的便携式存在的最先进的手持式用户界面的Unix操作系统。 iPhone SDK的应用开发占地面积为iPhone和iPod Touch的开发环境,从窗口和导航栏,以更先进的层的iPhone SDK,如屏幕转换,低级别的图形渲染,使用CoreSurface,多点触摸API,数字声音和音乐的渲染与天体的CoreAudio-This practical b
- 这是 cocos2d 最好的学习书籍 - 不论你是 初级还是中级还是高级 - 都可以学习本书籍。-This is the best book to learn cocos2d Whether you are a primary or intermediate or advanced Can learn book
- As the fourth book in our series of iPhone Projects based on the work and experiences of iPhone, this volume takes on the more advanced aspects of iPhone development. The first generation of iPhone applications has hit the App Store, and now it s tim
- You use an AVPlayer object to implement controllers and user interfaces for single- or multiple-item playback. The multiple-item case supports advanced behaviors. AVPlayer works equally well with local and remote media files, providing you with
- This sample shows how to use Core Text to display large bodies of text, text with mixed styles, and text with special style or layout requirements, such as use of custom fonts. A version of this sample was used in the "Advanced Text Handling for iPho