- 关于ADI TigerSHARC TS201 boot方式操作的文档. -ADI TigerSHARC TS-201 on the way to operate the boot files.
- ad9851串行编程代码,AD9851是ADI公司开发的单片信号发生芯片-ad9851 serial programming code, AD9851 is ADI development of the single-chip signal chip
- 基于ADI公司加速度传感器的计步器算法,MCU采用ATMega48,加速度传感器采用ADXL330-Based on ADI Corporation pedometer algorithm acceleration sensor, MCU using ATMega48, acceleration sensor ADXL330
- Ecommerce baseado em uma aplicaç ã o JAVA utilizando primefaces e hibernate e comunicaç ã o via webservice (utilizando o Axis 2). O projeto foi desenvolvido para que ecommerce e lojística realizassem comunicaç ã o para que a v
- Visual cryptography is a cryptographic technique which allows visual information (pictures, text, etc.) to be encrypted in such a way that decryption becomes a mechanical operation that does not require a computer. One of the best-known techniques ha
- Visual cryptography is a cryptographic technique which allows visual information (pictures, text, etc.) to be encrypted in such a way that decryption becomes a mechanical operation that does not require a computer. One of the best-known techniques ha