- 站内文本搜索Java小程序 SearchToHTML applet小程序可以让你对指定的若干文件进行文本搜索,并且把搜索结果以HTML格式返回。 你可以在搜索框内打入查询内容,可以以空格或者逗号作为分隔,要搜索一个短语,可以用双引号括起来,例如 \"black cat\"。-stations text search procedures SearchToHTML small Java applet small program allows you to the designated c
- 这个例子举例说明了一个简单的新闻 Portal。新闻内容是从数据源(这里称为 DataSource )传送到 JSP 页,同时信息内容也要作为一个 Web 服务发布出来。这个 Portal 也可以从 StockQuote Web 服务中检索最新的股票报价并显示在同一个 JSP 页中。-This example illustrates a simple news Portal. News content is from the data source (referred to here as Da
- 这个工具是经过多次挑选并修改后的版本。 希望能够给读者带来方便。 现在唯一不太顺心的地方是要输入双引号,要这样\\\", 希望读者能够提出修改意见。 QQ:30803269-this tool is selected and after several revised version. To bring convenience to the reader. Only now is not a bad place to be imported double quotes, so \\ "
- 通过jquery的$()引用元素包括通过id、class、元素名以及元素的层级关系及dom或者xpath条件等方法,且返回的对象为jquery对象(集合对象),不能直接调用dom定义的方法。-Through the $() quotes jquery elements including through scale-up id, name and element, element hierarchy and dom or xpath conditions method, and the obje
- 股票行情获取,用JAVA实现,需要的可以参考一下。-Get stock quotes, using JAVA implementation, need to be reference.
- 仿google日历功能,分日期报价等程序代码-Imitation google calendar functions, sub-date quotes code
- 天气预报,股票行情等时时信息的获取源码。-Weather forecasts, stock quotes, etc. from time to time access to information source.
- 产品信息发布,网上订单,留言板,网上报价,后台管理等-Product information release, online orders, message boards, online quotes, background management
- random qoutes module for joomla. assumes table that follows this query, MenID is catagory distinguish for your choice : SELECT quote,quoted,film,book " . "\n FROM quotes" . "\n WHERE menu= $MenID "
- 使用方法 上传程序到服务器,通过网址访问http://网站地址/intall.php,程序会自动提示权限问题,按照要求更改即可。 1、使用sqlite数据库: 请在数据库类型那里填入sqlite,填写数据库文件所在地址和数据表前缀即可 2、使用mysql数据库 安装mysql数据库,请在数据库类型那里填入mysql,数据库存放地址添写“|数据库地址|用户名|密码|数据库名”,例如“|localhost|root|root|taocms”,不包括双引号)。 安装完毕,
- 重写log4j写日志时,在写入数据库时存入字段包括单引号时报缺少逗号处理代码,附带配置文件。-Write rewrite log4j log in to write the database into the field, including the lack of single quotes Times comma handling code, with the configuration file.
- html 简单例子 包含HTML内容的文件最常用的扩展名是.html,但是像DOS这样的旧操作系统限制扩展名为最多3个字符,所以.htm扩展名也被使用。-HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to cre
- 猜谜得奖。用户可以随意更改双引号中的内容,来适合自己的谜语需求;也可根据需求更改谜语的个数。-Quiz winners. Users can freely change the contents of double quotes to suit their needs riddle also needs to change according to the number of riddles.
- A simple java application which waits for imput from 2 textareas...If the Name imput is "Ion" and the password "java" (without quotes), the program would display a status for succes..it is showed a message with acces denied if else.
- v1.1更新信息 1,修正 新闻标题存在双引号时页面出错 2,增加 修复删除评论和删除新闻时删除相关评论功能。 3,增加 新闻正文所属目录条(以及部分地方修正) 漳州网讯--新闻发布管理系统2007.01 程序说明: 1,本新闻文章系统适合中小型网站。 2,此系统为免费版本! 功能说明: 1,新闻栏目二级分类,随意修改,管理员分级管理 2,采用强大的HTML编辑器输入新闻文章 3,不存在任何新闻内容不能分段,不出空格的问题 4,可以直接复制任
- PHP5环境下用了fckeditor,保存数据时单引号,双引号都会被替换的解决方法 转义字符的详细说明-With the FCKeditor PHP5 environment, save the data to single quotes, double quotes will be replaced with a detailed descr iption of solution to escape characters
- it can collect data from yahoo quotes and show its result
- 从新浪网站获取上市股票代码,通过股票代码访问新浪借口,获取股票最新行情数据,输出到控制台-Sina Web site listed stock symbol to access Sina excuse by ticker symbol, get the latest stock quotes data output to the console
- asp查找商品报价的网页源码,功能:只要输入日期和报价你能过来为那一天,它会弹出屏幕上的每一天。如果你还没有进入报价那一天,它会提醒你输入它。你也可以选择页面通过报价,已经添加在过去使用数据库分页-asp pages to find products quoted source, function: enter the date and quote you come over for the day, it will pop up on the screen every day. If you
- Quotes allow user to access famous quotes from one of the famous leader who ever live.-Quotes allow user to access famous quotes from one of the famous leader who ever live.