- When a connection is established by a client. The client can send data. In the current example the client sends the message "Hi my server". To terminate the connection, the client sends the message "bye". Then the server sends the message "bye" too.
- 在ASP中使用组件 set cls=Server.CreateObject("MyDLL.MsSql") cls.ConnStr="driver={sql server} server=www.pc456.cn uid=pc456sss pwd=1 database=www.pc456.cn" 给组件设置数据源信息 添加,修改,删除数据: cls.execute(sql) 无分页读取数据: Set Rs=cls.execute(sql) do while
- The ConstantValue attribute is a fixed-length attribute used in the attributes table of the com.vladium.jcd.cls.Field_info structures.
- Returns the JVM class name within the constant pool context of cls class definition. -Returns the JVM class name within the constant pool context of cls class definition.