- this program is to convert your weight from pound to kg.
- 创建一个飞机类,其中数据成员包括长、宽、高、最大载重和最大载重下的航程。当飞机的载重不超过最大载重时,重量每减轻1000千克,航程就会提高100千米。在主类中创建该类的对象,当已知飞机的载重时,求飞机的航程-Create an aircraft category, which comprises the data length, width, height, maximum load and maximum load under the voyage. When the plane' s
- 一个健康情况计算器:用你的体重KG除你的身高M的平方,得到BMI数值,在不同范围说明你身体目前状况。-Write a program to calculate your BMI and give weight status. Body Mass Index (BMI) is an internationally used measurement to check if you have a healthy weight for your height. The metric BMI fo
- 编写Java应用程序,自定义类Car,类中有4个变量:字符串name,表示汽车的品牌;字符串color,表示汽车的颜色;double型变量weight,表示汽车的自重;int型变量passenger,表示汽车能搭乘的人数。在应用程序中创建类Car的2个对象,分别为car1(品牌:“本田”;颜色:“黑色”;自重:1500公斤;搭乘的人数:5人),car2(品牌:“奥迪”;颜色:“白色”;自重:1200公斤;搭乘的人数:4人)并显示其信息。-Write a Java application, sin
- Write a program to calculate your BMI and give weight status. Body Mass Index (BMI) is an internationally used measurement to check if you have a healthy weight for your height. The metric BMI formula accepts weight in kilograms and height in met
- BMI指数(身体质量指数,简称体质指数又称体重指数,英文为Body Mass Index,简称BMI),是用体重公斤数除以身高米数平方得出的数字,是目前国际上常用的衡量人体胖瘦程度以及是否健康的一个标准。体重指数(BMI)=体重(kg)÷身高^2(m) -BMI index (body mass index, body mass index, also known as body mass index referred to in English as the Body Mass Index