- EasyDBO是由简易java框架网(www.easyjf.com)开发的一个适合中小型软件数据库开发的java数据持久层框架,系统参考hibernate、JDO等,结合中小项目软件的开发实际,实现简单的Java对象到关系数据的映射。EasyDBO由于比较简单,比较适合于中小企业及个人开发使用,EasyDBO当前还处于测试阶段、是一个简易但不太成熟的对象-关系映射开源中间件。 EasyDBO的源代码非常简单,有一点Java知识的人基本上都能读懂,因此,选择EasyDBO作本文的示
- 这是 PaintBlue.Net 开发的,多功能的在线管理暨空间申请建站平台 当前的发布的是V2.0正式完成版本! 由于合用人性化的在线空间以及web在线管理的共享系统比较少 2003初推出的CooSel1.0 弥补了这个遗憾! 目前CooSel V2.0Final除了具备一般在线管理功能外 还具备创建免费空间申请网站的能力 CooSel开发之初只是为了方便的在线管理站点上的文件 但目前它的功能已经超出这个范围 除了保留自己的特色外,完全具
- sea是一个基于seda模式的实现。这个设计模式将系统分为很多stage。每个stage分布不同的任务(基于线程池)。通过任务流的方式提高系统的效率。
- 舞台激光效果的制作-stage production of laser effects
- Flash装载外加MC并自适应舞台大小。可自动读到要加载的MC舞台大小,背景色,祯速等信息。,a flash player what can read the mc s width,height,frame,rate info and fit it to the stage for play.
- 这个CMS系统,非常全面,是做为基础框架开发非常好,希望在初级阶段的朋友们提升水品时候看看这个代码。-The CMS system is very comprehensive, is the basic framework for the development of very good hope that in the initial stage of my friends when upgrade Mizushina take a look at this code.
- 这是一个BBS系统,系统的开发使用jsp+java进行的,很适合初级阶段的学习,如果要进行毕业设计的话,自己还要略加修改-This is a BBS system, the development of the use of jsp+ java conducted, it is suitable for the initial stage of learning, if the graduation project to be so, but also a slightly modified v
- 将flash的舞台或舞台上的元件保存为图片-Will flash on the stage or the stage for the picture of the components to preserve
- tab实现的多级多层次可复用菜单,主要是用于个人和企业网站的特殊的菜单应用,主要解决国内网站的特殊需求-tab to achieve the multi-stage reusable multi-level menu, mainly for personal and business web site menu special applications, the main solution to the special needs of domestic websites
- 描述了将游戏引入Java课程教学中的必要性和可行性,然后介绍了如何在现有Java游戏软件的基础上进行二次开发,以达 到适用于高职层次的学生学习Java的目的。最后给出了在Robocode软件基础上进行二次开发的阶段性成果-Described in the introduction of Java will be teaching the game of the necessity and feasibility of, and then describes how the existing
- 学生信息管理系统简单实现 可以简单得实现现阶段学生信息得增加 修改 删除 查看-Student Information Management System was easy to achieve the realization of a simple information at this stage was to increase students modify delete view
- 我们操作系统的课程设计,模拟操作系统的进程调度功能,包括四种算法,先来先服,优先级,轮转法,多级轮转-We are of course operating system design, simulation of the process of scheduling the operating system functions, including the four algorithms, first-come, first serve, priority, web method, multi-s
- 基于CS的java聊天程序,分为十个阶段,将编程的思路体现了出来,每一个阶段都有源文件和编译通过的文件。第十个阶段是最后的完整程序。重点没有放在细微的功能上,而是将重点放在了异常和逻辑问题的解决上。-CS of the java-based chat program, divided into 10 stages, will embody the idea of programming out there at every stage of the source file and compile
- Project: taxi-company-later-stage This project provides a partial implementation of a simulation of taxis operating on a city grid to pick up and transport passengers. This is the fourth stage of this project. It illustrates the implementation
- 在线flash播放器.用AS3.0编写,请用flash cs3.0打开! AS3.0 可以解决了as2无法解决对加载flash的舞台的大小的判断,从实现了对加载的flash有效播放面大小的控制,不再需要像以前用遮罩来做一个伪装! -Online flash player. AS3.0 prepared using, please open the flash cs3.0! As2 could solve the problem of AS3.0 can not load flash
- With details on how to integrate different APIs and web feeds in PHP so websites can leverage content from eBay, Google, PayPal, Amazon, and FedEx, this hands-on guide takes you step by step through each stage of the API process.-With details on how
- TIGER语言编译器,完成了前段的此法语法分析,类型检查,语法树,编译原理课程设计作业-TIGER language compiler, the completion of the previous stage of this method syntax analysis, type checking, syntax tree, compiler principles of curriculum design work
- 尚学堂 OA 利用技术的手段提高办公的效率,进而实现办公的自动化处理。采用Internet/Intranet技术,基于工作流的概念,使企业内部人员方便快捷地共享信息,高效地协同工作;改变过去复杂、低效的手工办公方式,实现迅速、全方位的信息采集、信息处理,为企业的管理和决策提供科学的依据。一个企业实现办公自动化的程度也是衡量其实现现代化管理的标准。OA从最初的以大规模采用复印机等办公设备为标志的初级阶段,发展到今天的以运用网络和计算机为标志的现阶段,对企业办公方式的改变和效率的提高起到了积极的
- Tigase Messenger is full featured Web based XMPP/Jabber client. Note that Messenger is still in pre-alpha stage! It means some features may be not implemented and implemented may works incorectly.
- Density Based Spatial Clustering of Applications of Noise Uses a density-based notion of clusters to discover clusters of arbitrary shapes, in spatial databases Key idea: for each object of a cluster, the neighborhood of a given radius contains