- JAVA的课程设计相关的咯,呵呵,游戏类别,是我们学校的获奖课程设计-JAVA courses related to the design of 1,10, what type of game is the winner of our school curriculum design
- PenguinCards is a java-based card game. You can either play against computer or another player. On the board, there are card pairs and your aim is to find out these card pairs. The one who finds out more card pairs is the winner. Have fun!
- 用按钮实现的井子棋游戏,连成三个者胜出,反之,失败,如果最终没人练成三个,则平局-Use the button to achieve a well child chess game, and even into the three is the winner, conversely, failure, if the end no one excel at three, then a draw
- 利用JAVA编译成的五子棋游戏,能实现双人对弈,五连珠为胜-The Gobang compiled using JAVA games, to achieve double chess, the winner of five Lianzhu
- 24点游戏规则:任取1-9之间的4个数字,用+-*/()连结成算式,使得式子的计算结果为24。估计很多人都玩过用扑克牌玩的那种,印象中10也算在内的,两人各出2张牌,谁先算出来谁赢,赢家收回已经算过的4张牌。最后看谁手里的牌多-24-point rules of the game: either take the four numbers between 1-9, with+-*/() link into the formula, so the calculation formula the r
- 对于之前的中彩数据进行分析整理产生各种统计结果并将结果输出到csv文件中-To analyze lottery s winner history numbers, then export result to csv files.
- 游戏三三棋,flash源码,家乡的一个小游戏,两个人对弈,谁最先在一条线上有三个子,谁就是赢家。-Three Three chess game, flash source, a home game, two game, the first in a line who has three children, who is the winner.
- Stevens lost to Murphy in the final of the 2005 World Championship, but there was little prospect of a repeat scoreline as the former Masters winner produced some of his best stuff in front of an eager home crowd.
- 三子棋游戏。两个游戏者在3*3的网格中轮流做标记,如果一个游戏者在网格的水平、垂直或者对角线上做了连续3个标记,则获胜。若网格填满而没有获胜者,则显示平局-Three sons chess game. Two games in the 3* 3 grid in turn mark, if a player in the grid horizontally, vertically or diagonally to do three consecutive markers, then win. If
- Firstly, If the user input is 0,the program will print “Player picks paper”. If the user input is 1,the program will print “Player picks scissors”. If the user input is 2,the program will print “Player picks rock”. Secondly, If the rando
- 一朋友工作需要要我帮写的一个小程序,后来他没用上,放上来,有用的拿去.纯用AS写的,容量相对有点大.该程序需要web服务器支持,可自定义奖品数量,种类及分布,转盘的旋转方向,旋转圈数,旋转时间等,点击中奖按钮时会发送一个http请求,由web服务器决定中奖的奖项,响应相应内容,转盘才开始旋转,web服务器亦可传递js指令,让程序在点击按钮后执行相应的js指令,请求的url及相关参数可自行配置.转盘可以重复的抽奖,每次旋转结束后会自动调用一个事先配置好的js函数.详见使用说明.-A friend
- 用java语言编写的GUI界面的高尔夫记分牌,记录多次得分,根据结果判断胜负-GUI interface written in java golf scoreboard, record multiple scores, according to the results to determine the winner
- java课程设计。 设计并实现一个和计算机交互的剪刀、石头、布游戏。人和计算机各选择一项,然后决出胜负。程序必须随机选取一项但不表示出来,然后提示用户选择。当用户选择后,程序同时显示出计算机和用户的选择并且输出游戏结果。游戏一直进行直到用户退出为止,并且输出双方输赢次数和总局数。-java course design. Designed and implemented a computer to interact scissors, stone, cloth game. And the com
- 利用程序求出实例的结果。 1、火柴棍游戏:2堆火柴棍,2人轮流拿。拿的规则如下:1、每次至少拿一根;2、只能从一堆里拿;3、第一堆火柴棍最多拿3根;4、第二堆火柴棍最多拿当前所有火柴棍的一半。谁拿完以后只剩一根火柴棍为赢家。问开始2堆都是20根火柴棍,你想赢,你先拿还是后拿?-The use of procedures results obtained instance. 1, matchstick game: 2 heap of matchsticks, take turns. Take
- 是一个简单快速的PHP MVC框架。EllisLab的工作人员发布了CodeIgniter。许多企业尝试体验过所有PHP MVC框架之后,CodeIgniter都成为赢家,主要是由于它为组织提供了足够的自由支持,允许开发人员更迅速地工作。-Is a simple, fast PHP MVC framework. The EllisLab staff released CodeIgniter. Many companies try to experience all PHP MVC framewo
- 一个网页上随机抽奖的程序,点击抽奖,然后再点击停止,中奖者会出现在输入框里。供大家学习。-A random draw on a web site program, click on the draw, and then click on the stop, the winner will appear in the input box. For everyone to learn.
- 南瓜SNG是一款免费的社区游戏PK插件,是当前国内做火爆的社区游戏APP。目前包含30几款经典游戏,主要代表游戏作品是《小猪乐园》。小猪乐园一共有6种玩法:比大小、刮刮卡、大乐透、大赢家、三联花、猪王争霸。 游戏特点: 1.可与社区积分数据共享-消耗用户积分(站长可在后台控制积分消耗规则) 2.提高用户之间的粘度与活跃度 3.PK挑战赛增加用户互动性-Pumpkin SNG is a free community game PK plug-in, is currently
- 对战版的Tic-tac-toe 网络版的带有图形用户界面的Tic-Tac-Toe游戏,游戏双方可以在不同的计算机上玩。 a. 在每一步后,判断游戏是否结束,是否出现赢家,并且能告知玩家结果。 b. 玩家可以申请与指定IP和端口号的玩家进行联网对战。 c. 图形界面,用鼠标落子。 -Battle version of Tic-tac-toe online version of Tic-Tac-Toe game with a graphical user interface, b
- (1)该类包含一个 3×3 的二维整型数组,其访问类型为 private (2)定义一个构造函数,用来将该数组初始化为 0 (3)允许 2 个玩家,当第 1 个玩家选定一个位置后,在该位置摆放一个 1; 当第 2 个玩家选定一个位置后,在该位置摆放一个 2; (4)在每一步后,判断游戏是否结束,是否出现赢家 -(1) This class contains a two-dimensional array of integers 33, whose access type is private (
- Java课程作业,“一站到底”游戏。随机出题,双方抢答,在规定时间内,先获取到规定分数者获胜。-Java course assignment, stand till last game. Random questions, the two sides answer, in the specified period of time, the first to obtain the required score winner.