- 用Java编写的一个XML编辑工具.这个SimpleXmlEditor.zip里有齐所有的文件, 包括可运行的.class文件打包.jar文件, 运行软件的快捷方式.bat文件, 说明文件.html文件, feedback.txt文件, 要特别申明的是一定要看清楚说明文件, 要不然, 很可能不能顺利运行.-prepared by using a Java XML editing tools. The Qi SimpleXmlEditor.zip there are all the documen
- 一个学习eclipse插件开发的绝好入门程序,代码简单,但是又包括了插件开发的全部框架,值得仔细研究。-eclipse plug-in a study of the development of excellent entry procedures, code simple. But it also includes a plug-in framework for the full development, deserves careful study.
- 一个使用ssh+ext的例子。 希望对开发这个应用的人带来好处。仔细研究里面的代码将带来很大的好处。,A use ssh+ Ext example. I hope to develop this application for the benefit of persons. Careful study of the code which will bring considerable benefits.
- 常用的java控件使用实例源代码,相信细心的你可以从中学到更多-Control the use of commonly used examples of java source code, I believe that careful you can learn more
- 经典Java丛书,学习Java必备,值得细细阅读和珍藏-Java Classic Series, an essential learning Java, it is worth careful reading and collection
- 工厂模式有:简单工厂模式;工厂方法模式;抽象工厂模式。抽象的程度越来越强,给出了三种模式的java代码,想完全理解还要仔细研究。-Factory pattern: simple factory pattern factory method model abstract factory pattern. Growing degree of abstraction is given three kinds of models java code, and would like to fully
- 用javascr ipt模拟一个炫光波形动画特效看到flash的实现这类的动画非常的便捷,于是试图胡搞一下。 全部是用dom模拟的像素点,锯齿是难免的…… 这个要避免锯齿恐怕要再加一次滤镜了吧,或者用图片。 大家感兴趣可以来讨论一下。 另外,还遇到个问题,上面代码中ie下面的透明度滤镜不起作用,经研究得知,改变父容器的定位会影响子节点的透明滤镜的继承。 -Javascr ipt analog waveform with a glare flash animatio
- 用JAVA实现队列和堆栈,可供初学者熟悉JAVA编程过程,可仔细分辨下JAVA和C++的不同 - Realizes the formation and the storehouse with JAVA, may for the beginner to be familiar with the JAVA programming process, but under careful resolution JAVA and C++ difference
- jpbm 编程项目有源码可供参考 需要仔细查看-jpbm source programming project requires careful reference check
- HTML5画布为开发人员提供机会,创造动画图形在普通的网页浏览器使用的常用工具:HTML和Javascr ipt。 Canvas是HTML5的最明显的地区之一,加油后,演示后,游戏的游戏演示。它提供了极大的视觉效果的互动,并提供了巨大的自由,在浏览器窗口,无论你想。然而,它不同于足够典型的Javascr ipt开发(以及Flash和Silverlight的发展),它需要仔细探查!-HTML5 Canvas offers developers the chance to create animat
- java项目开发实例仔细手册,里面包括环境变量配置录像,还有实例开发视屏。-java project development instance of careful manual, which includes the environment variables to configure the video, there are examples of screen.
- 这是一本很详细的关于如何学好jquery的书籍,只要认真研读15天就能掌握jquery并会灵活应用-This is a very detailed books on how to learn jquery careful reading 15 days will be able to master the jquery will be applied flexibly
- 输入一个数字,输入相应菱形的行数,注意不要输入太大的数值,以免显示屏范围超出-Enter a number, enter the appropriate diamond line number, be careful not to enter too much value, so that the display beyond
- This a serial port communication source code, and you can exchange information with a slave equipment by a usb_line. But, be careful ,pay attention to the serial manipulate code and the protocol of infomation exchange. Have any difficulty? Please
- 能够实现文件传输 仔细了解之后 能够自己学习这方面的知识 希望对初学者有所帮助-File transfer can be achieved after a careful understanding of their own learning can hope that this knowledge be helpful for beginners
- 一个使用ssh+ext的例子,希望对开发这个应用的人带来好处。-An example of use ssh+ext. I hope to develop this application for the benefit of persons. Careful study of the code inside will bring great benefits.
- 这里包含了各种java3d的一些编程实例,有详细的注释,从简单的到复杂的,告诉你场景的集成,从点线面,到实体,到游戏,都有,可以仔细的分析下。我也是从网上找的-This contains a variety of java3d some programming examples, detailed notes, simple to complex, to tell you the scene of the integration, point line, to the entities to
- 注册用户具有设备信息借看,设备借用审请等功能(Registered users with information by watching, equipment use of careful please)
- 实现大气的登录注册,封装的很好不懂的小白就不要用了(Not careful enough)
- MFC下的编程技术是整个设计的核心。在仔细学习了孙鑫老师的视频教程后,对网络编程做了一次梳理,本道设计采用的是基本套接字SOCKET的编程,基于UDP实现。(The programming technology under MFC is the core of the whole design. After careful study of Sun Xin's video tutorial, the network programming done a comb, this design is