- 将笛卡尔坐标系上的点定义为一个服务类Point,Point类提供求得坐标系上两点 间距离的功能、获取和设置坐标的功能、获取极坐标的功能,和完成对已创建的 Point类对象统计功能。设计测试Point服务类的应用程序主类,测试并显示输出 提供功能的结果。 (求以点(1,1)为极坐标原点,点(5,5)的极坐标) -Will be a point on the Cartesian coordinate system is defined as a service class Point
- 用第归计算多边形的面积,如果是四边形,就把它切成两个三角形,总之,只计算三角形的面积,然后把所有三角形的面积加起来就是总面积-The area of a polygon in Cartesian space is to be calculated. Each vertex of the polygon is at a coordinate (x,y). A polygon can be divided in half creating 2 sub polygons by adding a
- Write a program that takes the x-y coordinates of a point in the Cartesian plan and print a message in a message dialog box telling either an axis in which the point lies or the quadrant in which it is found. Sample line of output: (-1.0, -2.5)
- The file is a Java program that performs Set Operations/Theories like Union, Intersection, Difference, Cartesian Product, and Power Set.
- java绘制画出一个爱心,使用笛卡尔函数-java draw draw a love, a Cartesian function