- 经典的java applet小程序下来看看说不定有启发哦-classic java applet small program down to see perhaps inspired oh
Java Design Patterns Source
- 正在学习Java的人或许能从中得到自己想要的东西,或者有所启示。-is learning Java might be from the things you want to, or was inspired.
- SpinnerDemo演示了Java的微调控制(javax.swing.JSpinner使用)在Matlab应用。该演示包括三个纺纱用不同的数据模型:列表(细胞的字符串数组),数量和日期。纺纱厂是相互关联的使用,使他们的StateChangedCallback修改一个自动微调影响其他人。 此外,此实用工具演示如何分配键盘助记符(热键),以一个标签,并将它附加到微调控制。网页工具提示也显示在标签上()。 此实用程序还演示了如何设置,关闭与一个数字窗口有用的特性<ESC>关键。
- This inspired me to make this tool. This tool is not a professional one but shows an example which makes use of the System.Diagnostics namespace. With this tool, you can write small console based Java programs, compile and run. Just a way to practica
- Javascr ipt YUI Filter Control-The Filter control provides a front end component that can be used on websites to manage the specification of a multi-faceted filter.It was inspired by the filtering capabilties found in Fog Bugz, and utilizes the
- ImageJ is a public domain Java image processing program inspired by NIH Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either as an online applet or as a downloadable application, on any computer with a Java 1.4 or later virtual machine. Downloadable distribution
- 遗传编程 遗传编程,或称基因编程/GP ,是一种从生物演化过程得到灵感的自动化生成和选择计算机程序来完成用户定义的任务的技术。从理论上讲,人类用遗传编程只需要告诉计算机"需要完成什么",而不用告诉它"如何去完成",最终可能实现真正意义上的人工智能:自动化的发明机器。 -In artificial intelligence, genetic programming (GP) is an evolutionary algorithm-based methodology inspired
- 用量子进化算法解决机械工业生产调度问题,算法简单易懂,适合初学者。-Using quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm to solve the mechanical industrial production scheduling problem, the algorithm easy to understand for beginners.
- Java Mail Server, 一个 JAVA SMT 及POP3 邮件服务器,是开源的.-Java Mail Server,a Java SMTP and POP3 e-mail server. This project was inspired by and based on the CRSMail project written by Calvin Smith. This project exists for everyone who is interested in running
- In this book,objective is to discuss a selected subset of XMLrelated W3C Recommendations that have inspired corresponding Java APIs. And to that end, here is a quick synopsis of the XML-related W3C Recommendations and Java APIs second objective is to
- jQuery编写的塔克大战 希望对jQuery兴趣爱好者有启发-Compilation of tucker war jQuery jQuery interest enthusiasts hoping to have inspired
- elFinder Web-based open source file manager written in Javascr ipt, to use the jQuery UI, inspired by the Mac OS X s Finder application. elFinder main goal is to allow you to manage remote files as easy as managing local files. It supports commonly
- I have noticed a lot of community members sharing in-store deals and spots in the comments of various posts. Inspired by the weekly Seek & Find posts started by the lovely Alexis over at J.Crew Aficionado, I think now is a good time to start a simila
- 这是一个java编程所编的blog系统。。很简单的。。对于初学者来说,很有学习的作用。有一定的启发-This is a java programming compiled by the blog system. . Very simple. . For starters, it is the role of learning. Inspired by
- 这是一个java编程所编的BBS系统。。很简单的。。对于初学者来说,很有学习的作用。有一定的启发-This is a java programming compiled by the BBS system. . Very simple. . For starters, it is the role of learning. Inspired by
- Filtrify是一个高级的标签过滤插件,灵感来源于Chosen多选功能和Orman Clark的 Vertical Navigation Menu。他是高级的是因为你可以搜索标签中的标签,并且通过多个不同类别的标签过滤选项,并实时得到反馈。-Filtrify is an advanced tag filtering plug-in, and inspired by Chosen multiple choice function Orman Clark Vertical Navigation M
- set of GL utilities inspired by the OpenGL Utility Toolkit.
- 一共使用了建造者模式、状态模式、命令模式、策略模式、单件模式这5个设计模式。 本次课程设计是开发一款有多个面板的计算器。不仅有针对日常生活“标准型”面板、针对理工科计算的“科学型”面板、针对于编程人员计算“程序员”面板,还别出心裁地开发了针对中学生的数学学习“特色型”面板,有利于他们检查自己数学作业答案和试卷答案。 本计算器实现了当点下拉菜单中标准型、科学型、程序员和特色型等选项可以切面不同的计算器面板。 本计算器实现了当选中按钮时,按钮呈现如黄水晶般色调渐变的颜色。 本计算器实
- > Influenced by JSFTemplating > Publish/Subscribe event bus for things that happen during the JSF Lifecycle, not application specific > Inspired by Solaris Dtrace, Linux strace, truss, etc. > Listeners can be registered at three
- 软件工程课程设计课程设想心得体味,这也激起了我尔后勤奋进修的乐趣,我想这将对我以后的进修发作主动的影响。其次,此次课程设想让我充实熟悉到团队协作的主要性,只要合作协作才干保证整个项目标有条不絮。别的在课程设想的进程中,当我们碰着不大白的成绩时,指点教员老是耐心的解说,给我们的设想以极大的辅佐,使我们获益匪浅。因此很是感谢感动教员的教育。经过此次设想,我懂得了进修的主要性,(Software engineering curriculum design, curriculum ideas, expe