- 八皇后游戏,就是指在一个8乘8国际象棋盘上,有8个皇后,每个皇后占一格;要求皇后间不会出现相互攻击的现象,即不能有两个皇后处在同一行、同一列或同一对角线上。-8 Queen game, that is, refers to an 8 by 8 chess set, there are 8 Queen, Queen share of each cell request will not be Queen of mutual attacks between the phenomenon, that
- programa que al ingresar un determinado array calcula la diagonal
- 八皇后问题是:在8*8的国际象棋棋盘上,安放8个皇后,要求没有一个皇后能够“吃掉”任何一个其他的皇后,即没有两个或两个以上的皇后占据棋盘上的同一行、同一列或同一条对角线。-Eight queens problem is: 8* 8 chess board, placed eight at Queen' s, a Queen' s request was not able to " eat" any of the other Queen' s, that is,
- 八皇后问题是:在8*8的国际象棋棋盘上,安放8个皇后,要求没有一个皇后能够“吃掉”任何一个其他的皇后,即没有两个或两个以上的皇后占据棋盘上的同一行、同一列或同一条对角线。-Eight queens problem is: 8* 8 chess board, placed eight at Queen' s, a Queen' s request was not able to " eat" any of the other Queen' s, that is,
- Sum of Boundary & sum of diagonal element
- 1. 编写一个程序打印数出有10个元素的浮点数组a1中最大值和最小值。 2.将有10个元素的数组a1 拷贝至含有15个元素的数组b1的一段位置。 3.将一个已存入数组中的值45,89,7,6,0,按0,6,7,89,45的次序打印出来。 4. 求一个3*3矩阵对角线元素之和。 5.设某个一维数组中有25个元素,编写一个顺序查找程序,从中查找值为80的元素在数组中的位置。 -1. Write a program that prints out a number of floa
- 求一个3*3矩阵对角线元素之和。-Find a 3* 3 matrix and diagonal elements.
- This program implement minimax algorithm for caro game for two players, O and X, who take turns marking the spaces in a n*n grid, assuming that O goes first. The player who succeeds in placing five respective marks in a consecutive horizontal,
- Tic-tac-toe, also spelled tick tack toe, or noughts and crosses as it is known in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, is a pencil-and-paper game for two players, O and X, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid, usually X going first. The player
- 实现在页面中拖动鼠标画出矩形,矩形的对角线为点击并拖动鼠标形成的直线线段。-Page, drag the mouse to achieve the draw rectangle, rectangle diagonal click and drag the mouse to form a straight line segment.
- (3) 三子棋。编写程序,实现简单的三子棋游戏。在三子棋中,双方在3*3的棋盘中轮流下棋,一方用*表示,另一方用O表示。如果一方的3个棋子占据了同一行,同一列或者对角线,则该方获胜。如果棋盘已被棋子占满,但没有一方获胜则出现平局。在程序中,一方为用户,用户在界面上输入每次下棋的位置;另一方下棋的位置为随机自动生成。-(3) The third son of chess. Programming, the third son of simple chess game. In three sub-c
- 编写程序,实现简单的三子棋游戏。在三子棋中,双方在3*3的棋盘中轮流下棋,一方用*表示,另一方用O表示。如果一方的3个棋子占据了同一行,同一列或者对角线,则该方获胜。如果棋盘已被棋子占满,但没有一方获胜则出现平局。在程序中,一方为用户,用户在界面上输入每次下棋的位置;另一方下棋的位置为随机自动生成。-Programming, the third son of simple chess game. In three sub-chess, the two sides in the 3* 3 ches
- 求n(奇数)阶幻方。n阶幻方是n×n的方阵,填入1~n2各数,使得该方阵的各行各列、对角线元素的和都相等。-Find n (odd) order magic square. magic square of order n is the n × n square, fill in the 1 ~ n2 the number, making the square of each row of the column, and diagonal elements are equal.
- 个人原创代码:矩形、圆形、正方形等形状的操作。编写Java Application程序,定义抽象类Shape,抽象方法为showArea(),求出面积并显示,定义矩形类Rectangle,正方形类Square,圆类 Circle,根据各自的属性,用showArea方法求出各自的面积,在main方法中构造3个对象,调用showArea方法。 定义接口DiagArea,其中包含方法double getDiagonal()求对角线长, double getArea()求面积,定义一个矩形类,实现此
- 求解和为15的棋盘游戏问题。要求将从1到9的九个数填入3×3的棋盘中, 使得各行、各列以及两个对角线上的三个数之和均为15,并打印出结果。-Solving, and for 15 board game problem. From 1 to 9 request will be the number nine fill 3 by 3 board, make all, each columns, and two on the diagonal of the three Numbers are the
- 应用java语言,利用面向对象的知识,设计程序,求 n 阶方阵对角线之和。内含NetBean设计方案及UML图解-Java language applications, the use of the knowledge of object-oriented design process, seeking of order n square diagonal. The included NetBean design scheme and UML diagrams
- 八皇后问题:任何两个皇后都不能互相攻击(即没有两个皇后是在同一行、同一列、同一对角线上)。-Eight queens problem: no two queens can attack each other (ie, no two queens in the same row, the same column on the same diagonal).
- 奇数幻方:有一N*N的方阵,其中n为奇数,在n*n的幻方内将1到n^2的整数填入其中,是的其各行,各列及对角线的和都相等。-The odd magic square: a N*N matrix, where n is an odd number, in the n*n magic within 1 to n^2 integer which is filled, the rows, columns and diagonal and are equal.
- 用二维数组打印魔方阵:每行每列对角线之和相等,经典算法-Print magic square: a two-dimensional array equal to the diagonal of each row and column, the classical algorithm
- 编程求一个3×3矩阵的对角线元素之和,学会运用数组-Programming and a 33 matrix diagonal elements and learn how to use an array of