- jsp高校智能排课系统+论文 它对旧的排课方式方法是一种革命性的冲击。智能排课系统具有高效性、灵活性、可重复利用性等特点。它可以轻松、合理的解决了高校的排课问题。-Intelligent Scheduling System+ jsp college papers arranging the old ways and it is a revolutionary impact. Intelligent Scheduling System with high efficiency, flexibi
- 火焰招牌,非常漂亮的实现效果!给人以视觉冲击!呵呵,有点夸张啊!-Flame signs, the realization of the effect of very beautiful! Gives visual impact! Oh, a bit exaggerated ah!
- 系统内部全部采用事件激发方式,所有工作线程都是由事件驱动模式,这样保证系统最大工作和效率在数据处理层和网关数据的传输调度上是采用异步,并行的处理模式,在最大程度上减 少IO操作对工作线程的影响,同时对数据库的采用批处理的模式,最大限度减少对数据库的IO操作。-System all the way to stimulate the use of events, all worker threads are event-driven model, so to ensure maximum effic
- JavaScrip 编写的一个关于撞击小游戏,想开发网页游戏的朋友可以看一下。-JavaScrip prepared on the impact of a game, I would like to develop the game' s website to see friends.
- 一个汉化Eclipse的插件包,用的是links方法,不会你的软件有任何影响!-Speaking of an Eclipse plug-in package, use the links method will not have any impact on your software!
- 校医院中西药房负责管理医院日常所需药品的采购、进货、定价、发售和结算,药房管理的优劣,对医院的正常运作具有很大影响。中西药房在业务上是完全互相独立的两个药房,需要配备两套管理系统。-University Hospital Dispensary is responsible for day to day management of the Hospital of drugs required for procurement, purchasing, pricing, sale and settle
- 北大青鸟的java培训课件 Java环境可用来开发能在任何计算平台上运行的应用软件。它实际上是一种非常基本且结构紧凑的技术,而它对WorldWide Web以及商业的总体影响已可同电子表格对PC机的影响相比拟。 在此献上北大青鸟的java培训课件,希望有所用处。 -java training courseware of Beida Jade Bird Java development environment can be used to run on any com
- 本系统是用JSP开发工具实现的,主要完成对学籍的管理,包括添加、修改、删除,查询,以及用户管理等五个方面。系统可以完成对各类信息的浏览、查询、添加、删除、修改等功能。系统的核心是添加、修改和删除三者之间的联系,每一个表的修改都将联动的影响其它的表,当完成添加或删除操作时系统会自动地完成学籍的修改。查询功能也是系统的核心之一,在系统中主要根据学生学号和课程号进行查询,其目的都是为了方便用户使用。系统也有完整的用户添加、删除和密码修改功能。 -The system is implemented
- 【科学计算】冲击动力学非线性有限元数值仿真开源软件的源程序-【scientific computing】 dynamic nonlinear finite element numerical simulation of open source software source code
- 这是一套智能数据库管理系统,操作非常人性化,没有相应知识的人员也可进行管理。附上详细的实现、设计以及测试文档。-Cute DB is designed for users whom are without any database managing knowledge, so it is expected that Cute DB will confront hundred of thousand of errors made by end users. To assure the high
- 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们精神生活需求不断增加。随时随地地满足人们精神生活的需要至关重要。面对这个问题,人们非常困惑。正是在这种需求趋势下,影视网站应运而生。人们在影视网站中搜寻自己喜欢的影片。在线影院作为流媒体技术的代表,以高效、便捷的传输方式冲击着我们传统的学习和生活,而且发展非常迅速,人们通过网络获得流媒体的内容变得越来越精彩,用户群体正在迅速的膨胀。-With the continuous improvement of living standards, increasing de
- 这份学习资料主要讲解Java语言出现的背景、影响及应用前景;Java的特点 ;丰富的类库;Java和C、C++的联系和区别。-The learning materials mainly to explain the background of Java language, impact and prospects Java features rich class library Java and C, C++ and Distinctions.
- 英文原版书,介绍java I/O 的使用及实例。-Java NIO explores the new I/O capabilities of version 1.4 in detail and shows you how to put these features to work to greatly improve the efficiency of the Java code you write. This compact volume examines the typical
- Title: Acynchronous Telemedicine INFOEX Medicine is a Technology that permits medical data to be stored, retrieved, exchanged an alyzed with ease and anytime anywhere. Tele Medicine is an emerging field that could have a revolutionary impact on a D
- hibernate访问数据库代码与业务逻辑混杂在一起带来了很多问题,这样的程序设计严重影响了程序的可扩展性和适应性,所以数据库操作的代码分离出来与业务逻辑分离,形成“持久化层”的概念-hibernate to access the database code and business logic mixed together to bring a lot of problems, such a serious impact on program design process scalabilit
- 用于冲击和碰撞的有限元分析,IMPACT软件的源代码-Finite element analysis for impact and collision IMPACT software source code
- 运用java语言编程实现apriori关联规则算法,对商品的关联影响具有很好的作用。-Java programming language using apriori association rules algorithm, the impact of commodity association has a good effect.
- All information we are collecting about things that can happen that impact battery life.
- All information we are collecting about things that can happen that impact battery life.
- 这是一个网页设计案例的源代码。文件夹里都有预览图。方便您第一时间查看网站的视觉效果。 用到的技术有JAVAscr ipt,CSS,html。-This is a web design case of the source code. The folder has a preview. For the first time to see the visual impact of the site. The use of technology have JAVAscr ipt, CSS, H