- 本人上传的这段数据库连接源码是一段移植性比较高的代码!-I uploaded this database connection is a source of transplanted higher code!
- 由于想一次上传成功 所以将二个教程打包成了一个 这些例子几乎包含了所有java的框架集合-due to a successful there will be uploaded two bundles became a handbook These examples contain virtually all jav set the framework for a
- Hamming码是一类非常重要的线性分组码,它能纠正全部一位错误上传的是Hamming码的编码和译码的Java程序以及编写程序时所写的文档,本文提供的Hamming码的编码和译码的Java程序经过与笔算和观察法对比,在可靠性上两者是完全一致的.如果有充分的时间进行完善,修改还可用于线性码的编码和译码.-Hamming code is a very important kind of linear block code, all it can to rectify a mistake is upl
- java操作excel数据批量导入,并且验证数据是否正确,网管老兄,我已经上传5个代码,谢谢您的网站。-java batch operation data into excel, and to verify whether the correct data, network management Bud, I have uploaded five code, Thank you for your website.
- 开始学的java ,上载上来供大家一起参考-began studying the java and uploaded onto reference for everyone
- ·支持所有的上传的文件类型 ·原则上不限制上传的文件大小 ·每次上传格式可用户自行设定,一般建议在10个以内 ·上传图片支持生成缩略图 ·自动重命名上传文件,可有效的防止重名 ·支持数据库,且每删除一个数据,上传在文件夹中的文件也相应删除,有效的控制了服务器负荷 -support all of the uploaded file types principle restrictions upload file size for each fo
- 文件上传源码 Multiple stores supported (Folder, Zip, Database, Memory). Security features (Blacklist, FileSizeLimit, Max. Uploaded files). Notification and history features.-file uploads source Multiple stores are supported (Folder , Zip, Database, Mem
- 打包上传 可以将文件打包成zip文件,然后上传到服务器,然后解压缩-bundles of documents can be uploaded into bundles zip file, and then uploaded to the server and then decompress
- 新闻采用在线编辑器,从别的网页copy过来,连接和图片、falsh等可以完整保留;可web上传图片到服务器,直接添加到文章中;三级分类,可设头条新闻和图片新闻;新闻点评功能,可自由发表评论;管理员分三级(系统管理员、目录管理员、新闻管理员)系统管理员可设置新闻管理员权限;大部分逻辑处理都封装在java-bean,界面修改容易-using online news editor, copy from the other website over, connectivity and photograp
- 支持所有的上传的文件类型 ·原则上不限制上传的文件大小 ·每次上传格式可用户自行设定,一般建议在10个以内 ·上传图片支持生成缩略图 ·自动重命名上传文件,可有效的防止重名 ·支持数据库,且每删除一个数据,上传在文件夹中的文件也相应删除,有效的控制了服务器负荷 -support all of the uploaded file types principle restrictions upload file size of each user can upload for
- Document will be uploaded soon
- JSP上传系统:本上传系统支持分类上传、管理;支持所有的上传的文件类型;自动重命名上传文件;支持数据库,且每删除一个数据,上传在文件夹中的文件也相应删除。,JSP upload systems: From system to support the classification of upload, management support for all types of uploaded files automatically upload files to rename support
- 我上载的的Java程序是一个猜币游戏的Java程序,I uploaded the Java program is a guessing game currencies Java program
- 手机即时拍照,同时可以无限量上传至本地服务器。可以设置照片的大小。服务器地址以及上传的时间-Cell phone pictures, and can immediately unlimited uploaded to local server can set the size of the photos and upload time server address
- 我所上传的是cvsnt软件,这个是团队开发java项目,所需要的,我在网上找了很久。-I uploaded the cvsnt software, this is a java project team development, the need, I find the Internet a long time.
- 天鼎网上订餐系统单店版 附带上传至服务器方法-Tianding online reservation system with a single store version uploaded to the server method
- SSH2 注解方式加 ExtJs前台 返回Json格式 的一个增删改查demo 由于上传资源太慢.所以删除了jar包。下载后需添加-SSH2 annotation methods return Json format plus ExtJs front of a CRUD demo is limited because the size of uploaded resources, so remove the jar package. Download need to add
- 一个JAVA源程序,用面向对象方法开发和设计的,主要功能为提供一个用户可以用鼠标输入的窗口,如何记录和保存用户的输入,见已经上传的:Java Programming SourceCode.rar-a source Java, Object-oriented development and design. the main functions are to provide a user can use the mouse input window, how to record and preser
- 一个小程序源码要求为至少5个C或Java源码,质量越高得到的下载个数越多(一般为200:上载5个,可以下载200个)。 请不要重复上载同一源码, 站长审核合格后才能开通帐号。 -Source a small program called for at least 5 C or Java source code, the higher the quality of the download to be more the number of (normally 200: 5 upload
- ActionServlet源码 struts的一个步骤都有 知道本来有视频的太大了 就没有上传了-ActionServlet source struts have to know a step would have too much video has not uploaded