- Chapter 2: Getting Started Hello World Hello World Enhanced A simple "Hello World" application that shows the basics of how to use an Actionscr ipt 3.0 class in an application. The Enhanced version adds a name-checking feature. These exam
- 一个解码flash,并能播放swf文件的C++代码,,A decoder flash, and can play swf files C++ Code
Cam flash网络在线摄像头
- flash网络在线摄像头,C#代码实现,可实现在线拍照功能-Network Online camera flash, C# code can be realized online camera, etc.
- 用C++和JAVA写的FLASH程序,可以做为参考,看书没用的,直接看程序才有效果-With C++ Of FLASH and JAVA to write procedures, can be used as reference, reading useless to have a direct look at the effect of the procedure
- 可以将HTML源码转换成C#,JS,PHP,ASP任意一种形式输出,是程序开发必不可少的工具。-HTML source code can be converted into C#, JS, PHP, ASP any form of output, is an essential tool for program development.
- Flash播放器、C语言、可在arm环境下编译通过,且在电子产品中已经能播放。-Flash Player, C language, can be compiled under the arm through, and in electronic products has been able to play.
- 以c++为服务器,flex为客户端建立socket利用json通信可多人通信,是学习的好例子-To c++ for the server, flex client can establish communication over socket communication using json is a good example of learning
- 已经编译好的flex的c源代码,可以正常分析运行-C-flex has already compiled the source code, you can run the normal analysis
- c源代码 可以供TI公司的c6713使用,主要是一些测试代码和程序-c source code can be used for TI' s c6713, mainly because some test code and procedures
- 本文档描述了如何利用ISE中软件开发环境SDK进行C编程对FLASH进行读写的方法,免去了自建IP核对flash进行读写的步骤,大大提高了效率-This doc show a method that can read and write flash memory easily using SDK develop environment of ISE. That make it no necessary to develop a IP core by yourself and improve t
- 自动售邮票机:(a)机器能自动识别硬币金额,最大为一元,最小为一角。购票者可选择的邮票面值有一元和五角两种,每次只能售出一枚邮票; (b)购票时先选择邮票面值后投币,当投入的硬币总金额达到或超过邮票面值时,机器应发出指示并拒收继续投入的硬币; (c)购票者投币后,按动确认键,机器将发出邮票和找零硬币,若所投金额不足,则发出欠资指示。在欠资情况下,购票者可以继续投币购票,也可按取消键,则机器将退出所投入的全部金额; -there is a slot machine, you can
- C#版本的转盘代码,可以跟.net进行后台交互,非常典型的一个例子-C#-Rotary lottery FLASH code,version of the dial code, can tell. Net for the background interaction, a very typical example of a
- MSP430的.c文件,已使用,漏洞暂时没有发现,如有发现可以自行更改-MSP430 of .c files,Has been used, do not find loopholes, if found, can be changed by
- as3中使用udp进行测试的工具,很好用。 可以使用as3发送udp数据,不能发送udp广播,需要发送广播可以使用java或C++生成库,再转换为ane加载到Flash中即可。-as3 use udp testing tools, easy to use. Data may be transmitted using AS3 udp, udp can not send a broadcast, the broadcast can be used needs to be transmitted to
- 第四代flash播放器,源码详尽,可做编程参考,部分代码有详尽注释(The fourth generation of flash player, detailed source code, can be used for programming reference, part of the code has detailed annotations.)